Saturday, August 13, 2011

Date Night

Sunset on the ride home
Mary and I decided to make Friday night a date night and head to the Philadelphia Aviation Country Club for happy hour. I left work at 3pm and headed home to take care of the zoo then turn and burn for the airport. I saw an accident on I95 south while heading north back to the house so I decided not to push my luck and took I495 south back to the airport instead, good choice.

I had left 08Romeo uncovered last night after returning from First Flight so pre-flight was easier. I had ordered fuel earlier in the day so I needed to sump and then just set out our headsets and my knee board. Mary walked up to the plane and climbed aboard. She thought it was pretty nice that everything was ready to go and she was looking awesome I might add!

No flight plan this evening, just a simple VFR flight under the Philly Class Bravo airspace and some good tunes to sing along to.  I did have Philly approach tuned in to monitor for traffic.  We landed at Wings field and secured the plane. Mary did the heat shields for the windows and I tied 08Romeo down.

The Club filled up fast but we found an outside table and made some new friends. Nancy and Mike invited us to join them and we did. Good eats for happy hour is always the norm at the club. Hors d'oeuvres consisted of mini cheese steaks, I mean like three inches long, seafood wraps, BBQ wings, calamari, assorted cheeses and more. The pilot drank ice tea and my Bride enjoyed a well deserved Lemon Martini.  Adam and his Bride Tam joined us along with Bob from Montgomery Aviation with his Bride and their daughter.

A fun evening out with friends made even more enjoyable not having to fight traffic on the blue route instead flying over top. We are looking forward to getting back to the club for dinner.


  1. Nice blog, Gary. This first time visitor found you via a blogg roll on another site. I've read through a few of your older posts and I enjoyed them. (Good writing as well!)Nice airplane and pix as well. Thanks and I'll be back.

  2. Craig,

    Thanks for reading along!! Plenty of favorite trips on the right side of the page along with some favorite links. Do you fly? If so, what type aircraft?

    Thanks so much for checking in!
