Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lunch Run, Photo Op

The plan was to fly out for breakfast this morning to Cambridge MD, then continue the mission to Ocean City MD to pick up the airport car registration form. I filed for four thousand and would be in IMC the entire trip, around forty minutes. I was ok with that although I would rather have another pilot with me since I don't feel as proficient as I could be.  I am instrument current until the end of October but single pilot IFR needs a proficient pilot, I admit, I have some rust.
I changed my destination following my latest wx update that was showing lightning across the bay near Chesapeake Beach, located just west of Easton and  Cambridge. After a few text messages with Jeff from Woodbine we decided on Millville, KMIV.  I launched following our VP Biden's departure in a Gulfstream.  Right turn on course approved and I am tracking away from the DuPont VOR on the 139* radial.
trying to get in before Biden's TFR goes active for the second time today
wx looking better
Jeff and I made contact on a prearranged air to air frequency and he followed me in on runway one zero. One of my coworkers, Joe C, was adjacent to the runway in his ops vehicle and took the following shots, awesome job!

short final

looking to set down on rwy 10
Jeff and I had breakfast and welcomed fellow Mooney pilot Peter.  Excellent conversation concerning lycoming engines and lubrication followed by some discussion on recent NTSB reports on some local accidents over the last 5 years or so.  Sobering reminders that we need to do it right and be responsible to ourselves and passengers.
On the roll departing KMIV, Jeff's Mooney  in the background
Peter's Mooney as I am almost wheels up
Climbing out of KMIV
We all saddled up and headed out. I was number one then Jeff, who you can see in my departure picture, then Peter.  It was a quick hop home with some light chop riding below the layer.  I was directed to report the bridges, twin spans across the Delaware, and did just that.  I made a much better landing coming home then going to MIV and followed with a taxi to my tie down.


  1. That weather sure looks better than solid scud. Although I was up early today for Rob's departure, I don't think I'll ever be enough of a morning person to follow your usual fly-to-breakfast timeline! ;-)

  2. I'm up early every day, built in alarm clock. Besides, the best flying this time of year is bright and early! Have to beat that heat.

  3. I'm in bed late every day, built in Benadryl - or something to that effect. ;-)

    Agree with you about beating the heat and buildups, though!
