Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cold But Clear

I got things done around the house early this morning, including play time with Ziva at the dog park.  I also got wash done and received a furniture delivery for the office. It was time to fly!
East of KGED looking across the Delaware Bay to Cape May NJ
The original plan was to meet Mike at KILG around 10:00 and then hop in the Cirrus for a breakfast run.  Things fell apart when I remembered the furniture delivery schedule between 12 and 3.  Instead, Mike caught up with Vince and they made the hop to KESN, Easton Maryland.  Mike and Vince  would have made the hop to OCMD but Vince was running late and the plan changed.

I had the furniture in and the delivery guys gone by 11:45, I was headed to the airport!  I had left 08R plugged in overnight so she was warm and ready to go.  I swapped the cars around, took on 8 gallons of 100LL and got the fan turning.  I taxied out, number two for departure.  Run up was good to go and 08R climbed out just loving the cold temps.  I made the hop at three thousand and picked up flight following with Dover approach.  Dover once again changed approach frequencies, from 35.15 back to  32.42 .  I had made three calls and was starting to wonder if I had a radio problem. I rode along with Dover and they cut me loose VFR half way to ILG.
I made my call to Wilmington from 10 south with the current ATIS info and altitude.  I entered the left down wind runway one niner and followed with a landing on the numbers with hardly any roll out... Sweet!!

I picked up Mike and we taxied for runway one four.  I had to hold short while a falcon jet, piper Cheyenne and a Pitts landed.  Good Lord I'm ready to go a already!

Mike flew this leg and I worked the radio. There was traffic departing and two holding short, both launched as we continued inbound.  We taxied in and secured 08R including cowl plugs to try and hold some heat.  The Flying Machine Cafe' was busy but the service was excellent as always. Mike and I enjoyed lunch and caught up on our flying.

I pointed 08R into the wind and turned for Wilmington.  It was a quick flight and smooth landing at Wilmington. We taxied in and Mike jumped out without me shutting down, it's a quick turn and burn for home. I had checked fuel at MQS and guesstimated 18-20 gallons, the Garmin 530 displayed 18. With my taxi clearance acknowledged 08R was soon launched for the beach. I had hoped for a tailwind but instead had a seven knot quartering headwind to deal with. I kept a close eye on my fuel burn and ended up with eight gallons remaining, leaning is your friend.
I secured 08R and got her plugged in for the next trip, both battery maintainer and Reiff heaters set. It was a great day, flying and even more so enjoying the unlimited visibility. Temps were running between 20-25 degrees F, but 08Romeo's heater kept me toasty all day. I forgot to take the sunset picture inbound to OXB so I grabbed one on the road back to the house, its just not the same.


  1. Cool trip! Thanks for that first-person glimpse into a daily life of someone who went several feet up to the skies. That's something most of us don't wake up to in the morning, and I admire you for being able to do so. I guess that shows the value and the merits of eventually owning planes as well, which isn't as far fetched a possibility as anyone thinks. All the best to you!

    Raymond Curry @ Holstein Aviation

  2. Raymond,

    It was a short hop but it's always a great feeling getting in the air.

    Thanks for checking out my blog!
