Friday, July 17, 2015

Breakfast With My Brother

We have been talking about this for some time and Thursday evening I told Mary I'm going to text Joe and see if he wants to meet up.  My brother owns his own business, Mascelli Financial Associates, and he works from home on Fridays.  I think he's just bagging work. ;)
The plan was to meet up around 9:30 at the Summit Airport, KEVY located in Middletown, Delaware.  It's a quick hop in 08Romeo vs an hour and a half drive.  Joe made the 10-15 minute trip from his home to the airport terminal to pick me up.
I ran a little late getting to the airport due to chatting it up this morning with our new neighbors, they are really nice folks.  I was soon pulling through the gate and calling for fuel at the terminal. Tony came out, added fifteen gallons to bring me to forty for my flight. I had filed but decided on picking up flight following since there was no misty fog layer this morning, it was all clear. 08Romeo launched and made a nice steady climb for three thousand. I made my call for flight following with Dover Approach providing them my position, altitude and request.  Dover came back with my new squawk code and off we went, riding along together.
Dover turned me loose to squawk VFR since I was exiting their control area to the north. I thanked him for the ride along and switched over to Unicom at Summit. I shot the GPS 35 approach and since the winds were pretty much calm I landed instead of circling to land on one-seven.

I walked through the terminal and sent a text that I was at the terminal. As I walked out the front door Joe pulled up in his SUV, what timing!
Milford, DE  SR1 and RT113
It was a short drive for breakfast at Bob Evans. The food and Service was very good. It was nice just to sit and catch up, I miss our days of coaching baseball and dinners after the games but at least we can still meet up as often as possible.
We are going to get together and play another round of golf soon.  We ended up in a tie on the last round we played over the 4th of July holiday.  I would say he took it easy on me but I know better, I just got very lucky.
Ocean City Airport...JUMPERS AWAY!!!
The return flight was bumpy but not terrible. No flight following this leg, instead, I cranked up the SiriusXM radio and sang along to the hits of the 70's. God forbid if I EVER had a stuck mic. Mary and I are looking forward to catching up with Joe and Janice for some additional beach time, (ladies shopping and men golfing).

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