Sunday, November 20, 2016

Annual 2016 Day 4

Ughh...Are you kidding, I just laid down!

Rise and shine, time to get the routine started. All the zoo plays nice and I'm out the door by 6am, I'll just make the shop start time. Mary mumbles while half asleep, what's the rush your not getting paid. I know, but it shows respect to the guys working in the shop. I think they appreciate me making the effort to get up early, drive two hours, to get there at their start time. Call me crazy.
This is where the black duct passed through, no corrosion
Today has us removing the main feeds from the firewall to the rear seat vents trying to not make a mess. This black duct is dusty, gross and falling apart. Josh is taking his time doing things right and not ripping and tearing stuff apart. if I told him once I told him ten times I'm glad he's doing the hard part because if I did this in my hangar, like I planned, I would have destroyed my plane by now and invented a whole new, not fit for prime time, vocabulary. He just keeps smiling and laughing. Hey, I was serious.

The UPS guy arrives early and he has a few boxes. The Whelen power supply and the Brackett air filter.
I take a break from duct work helper to install the new air filter. I also investigate the new power supply and had off to Roger so he could complete the install. Roger added a connection so I can easily remove it if need be in the future if there are any problems, nice addition but this will hopefully outlast my ownership.
out with the old, check that date.
in with the new, check that date.
After being almost blinded by the strobes I let Roger know I have never seen my strobes that bright. He said the Grimes unit was loosing its punch, the capacitors were weak and just hanging on.

Back to the removal, it's slow and dirty. We finally get the long runs removed after I talked Josh into just cutting things and removing sections, I'll vacuum any mess.

While Josh takes a look at all the new Custom Duct, I vac out under the floor pans. I found a little yellow ball, no clue and a funny note that I passed on to Jeremy, a soon to be pilot.
I showed it to Josh and he said his brother would like it so I handed it off with the words of wisdom, get your instrument ticket so you can really enjoy the plane.
We got back to work installing the new long duct runs. They seemed to flow through the adel clamps and were pretty easy to secure. I had to add the adel clamps behind the rear floor vents that held the duct in place where it makes a loop back to the vents at the wing spar.

Day 4 comes to a close and I'm beat. I decided to drive home instead of getting a room, may as well keep my drive routine intact.

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