Sunday, August 12, 2018

More Surgery and Sent Home

Friday, July 27th

I did manage to enjoy a short four day stay at home after my release from Health South Rehab. Unfortunately, I headed back to Peninsula Regional for a second round of surgery on my right leg. More plates and screws were needed to complete the realignment and length restoration.  Mary and my brother Joe along with our guardian angel Candy sat patiently as the three and a half hours clicked off.  My Doctor came out to let them know everything went very well.
(starting at the top) ankle, shin and knee
I was moved to a private room for recovery. Unlike the first leg surgery that wasn't too painful this round was excruciating. I needed pain meds to help me function like a human.

During this surgery the doctor also fixed up my left big toe that I beat into submission over the last year, it also had an abscess. This abscess was cleaned out and I was given  strong antibiotics to clear up the infection.

While recovering at PRMC I did develop a bacteria infection in my blood so that forced me to stay longer until all tests, and I mean many blood samples, were deemed clear after 48 hours.

Wednesday August 1st

I was released for more rehab at Health South on Wednesday. It was like old home week. I had the same nurses and nurse assistants along with the gang at Physical and Occupational Therapy. They took very good care of me AND worked me pretty hard.

Wednesday August 8th

I made progress and was finally released on Wednesday. Occupation Therapy wiz Stewart rigged up a device that secured my right ankle and provided a way to lift and swing my right leg into and out of bed. He is a genius!
The contraption worked like a charm. Remember those days back in elementary school, making chain links out of construction paper?  Same concept, except we used heavy duty velco.

This sling type device was critical.  Mary, fresh off back surgery was not allowed to bend, lift or twist, so she could not help me. I needed to be able to get in and out of bed and get my leg raised in the wheel chair. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, August 12th

Mary's back is coming along. My bride has a doctors appointment on Tuesday that will require x-rays prior to arriving. Mary has been wearing her brace and following doctors orders. My bride has taken care of me, supported me, and has been the guiding light for me to keep focused. I don't know how she does it.

I need blood work prior to my next appointment on Wednesday. I'll use the local wheel chair transportation system available to us. It's still too difficult to get in and out of the SUV and then be stuck with the wheel chair in the back that neither Mary nor I could lift at this time.

More updates to follow, hopefully getting out of this big splint device and into a smaller cast.  I also hope to report on Mary's progress and that she will be released to drive.

Many thanks to family, friends and neighbors for their support and meals. A special thanks to Candy and Mark G for being our guardian angels for the last six weeks, we are left without words trying to express our gratitude. 


  1. Thanks again for the update. I think we're going to have to start calling you iron man with all that metal in your leg. I'm just grateful that they have the ability to fix such a terrible break. Praying that Mary's appointment goes well and she can drive. And I'm also glad you have such wonderful friends and family to help you out. I think about you guys often and my prayers are for your continued recovery.

  2. Iron Man....At least I could fly again.

    Doctors appointment today, I am hoping for some good news. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, they are most appreciated.

    I hope you and Jim are enjoying the summer.

  3. Thanks for posting updates, Gary. I think of you and Mary often and am glad to hear that you’re both making progress.

  4. Chris, one day at a time. Making progress at a snails pace but moving forward. Getting back to reading blogs and maybe more writing.

    Thanks for checking in.

  5. Holy s%@t, Gary! I just read about your horrible ordeal. I’m glad to see you and Mary made it out in one albeit damaged piece. Wishing you a full physical and emotional recovery.

  6. The Flying Shrink, Its been a battle, that's for sure. I hope the physical is finally squared away having had a third surgery on my leg. The emotional is another issue...we haven't worked through all that yet.
