Friday, April 12, 2019

A Remembrance and New Beginning


Yesterday, Mary and I headed to Wilmington to attend a memorial service for my life long friend John's father. A morning filled with emotion, sharing of stories, and expressing our sorrow. We shared many good memories growing up. Gone but never forgotten Mr. in peace, now reunited with your bride.

New Beginning

We left the memorial service and headed a bit farther north making a stop to visit Mary's newborn grand nephew, Rowen Daniel Lemon.
We had made a quick stop at Ioannoni's sandwich shop to pick up some of the best roast beef sandwiches for Amy and Hannah and Mary and I. Both parents were tired, with a newborn and almost two year old taking up all their energy. We thought it would be nice to bring lunch.
So with five hours of road warrior service completed, we are once again home in OCMD. It's time to finalize my plans for Ohio to complete the annual/pre buy on our soon to be new plane and then get her home.


  1. The Circle of Life. Both celebrations even though one has sadness. And the excitement continues to build.

  2. Yes, the circle of life. One is so difficult and the other so effortless. Each can bring tears, one of sadness the other joy. There is something to be said for holding a new life and wondering what will be in store for the child. I was so happy for my bride, getting to hold her new nephew, she positively glows.
