Monday, June 17, 2019

Solo Hop #2

Despite wanting to get a very early start, I dragged my feet this morning before heading over to the airport. The temps were already climbing and I can't emphasize it enough, I really hate just boring holes in the sky. 
Yes, I know I have a lot to learn with the new to me avionics, but that's coming together quickly. Today I focused on the Stec 60 utilizing the vertical speed (VS) function together with altitude capture. I did some Storm scope tinkering, and explored some new functions on the GNS 480. 
Dover AFB
Making my way north of Dover I then turned for Millville NJ (KMIV). No landing just overfly, and then doing the same for Cape May (KWWD). I was cruising along at fifty-five hundred and crossed the Delaware Bay, pointing the nose at Cape Henlopen. It was a nice ride south along the coast. The Ocean City pattern entry would be a forty-five degree for the left down wind runway one-four. There were two aircraft waiting to take off so I offered to extend so both could get out. I told them it's much cooler up here then on the ground.
I finally turned base and final, well set up for my landing. Everything felt good, multiple GUMPS checks and even though I was a bit fast I flew it on and made my best landing in the Commander to date. The log book total is now 2.7 out of 5 hours of solo required. I hope to knock out a few more hours this week.
I did get a special treat as I taxied by the hangars towards my hangar.  The P51, Quick Silver was on the ramp getting ready to fly. As I finished up with 3 Tango Charlie Quick Silver must have been giving rides, he blasted a few low passes...just an awesome sound.


  1. Gary - where are you with your IFR currency? Sounds like you are working on the insurance requirement. Have you gotten your IPC out of the way yet? If you need a safety pilot sometime, let me know. Especially one that knows that the Aspen 🤣

    I’m impressed with your determination not to let your accident deter your love for aviation. I’m impressed with your drive and dedication to see this through,


  2. Chris - I completed my IPC during my transition training along with my BFR. However, my motto has always been that currency goes in the log, proficiency keeps us alive. So with that said I still want to shoot approaches until its all muscle memory.

    I have never been a quitter. I played team sports into my twenties and one thing that my Father drilled into me was never ever give up, never quit. That and my hard headed Italian ways just can't quit on anything that challenges me.

    I hope we can catch up and do some flying. I would really like to get your take on my Aspen procedures.
