Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Test flight

After our return to Ocean City from Savannah I needed to do a run up and high speed taxi for some testing. The Saturday following our return I knocked out the run up and the high speed taxi. I also did a clean up to be ready for my next flight.

Today was the test flight. Why all this testing you may ask, because I saw my oil pressure drop below its normal setting and my oil temp ran about ten to twelve degrees warmer than normal, all within five minutes of the airport. What I found was my oil level had dropped to four quarts. I know my plane and recognized the change. I added two and a half quarts and was now comfortable at six and a half on the dipstick. There were no leaks to be found and the only thing I can figure is the prop may have leaked some despite my windscreen only showing the bug carnage. 

I checked my oil as I always do on pre-flight and it was still where I confirmed after the add. I did another search under the cowl and in and around the prop, nothing. I did notice today that the nose gear had some grime on it and it typically is just a bug clean. 

I taxied out and launched from runway one-four after really getting my temps up while waiting for departing and landing traffic, oh and a couple of meat bombs dumped from the jump plane.

All the gauges were looking perfect, all in the typical position on any of my flights. I stayed in the pattern for an extra loop to make sure pressure and temps were good, and they were fine. With that I decided to shoot the GPS 14 approach and continue to monitor.

I did a quick approach brief since I was severe VFR today but just wanted to button push while I could. I turned direct PFAIR, entered the procedure turn and the STec 60-2 flew a perfect Parallel entry. It's a shame I brain farted and did not select NAV in bound. After alerting to no descent I disconnected the AP and hand flew. Hand flying is so much better anyway. 

I made a nice landing and taxied back to the hangar. After a quick inspection I cleaned off the bugs and found no leaks. The gear was clean and so was the prop. Off to annual next week so I'll have the prop given extra attention and may just send it out if necessary.

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