Friday, February 22, 2008

iPod Nano Invasion

I guess I am officially "off the deep end". Mary and I decided to come up with some sort of "entertainment" while we fly to Florida in April. I'll be busy flying and I really don't want to listen to music and try to listen to Air Traffic Control (ATC). Mary on the other hand would like something other then ATC or myself yapping on the radio. We thought music or movies, or both.

I have been reading up on this whole iPod thing, culture, whatever you want to call it. I am amazed at the technology available and the size of the units. We finally decided on an iPod Nano 8GB that will hold over two thousand songs, four plus hours of video and to many pictures to look at in one seven hour trip. After discovering this modern technology, yes, I'm an old fart I guess, we made a purchase then quickly drove back to the house. Once home we went through every box and accessory. We have since discovered iTunes, what a place. You can by any, and I mean any song out there for .99 and rent movies for under four bucks.

Mary is like a little kid scrolling through the selections of iTunes and our personal CD collections to load up the new gismo. We both agreed that renting a movie would be fun for her to watch while we were in flight. Imagine that, Ladies and gentlemen your movie for today's flight to Kissimmee will be "no reservation", please feel free to help yourself to the cold water located in the soft sided cooler and enjoy your flight. All I'll need to add is updated temps at our destination and have Mary do the safety demo complete with the two finger point to our one exit.

It's been fun looking through all the selections of movies, music, audio books and tv shows. I now have a much better understanding of why all these people have little ear plugs attached while they walk, work or drive. I must admit while looking through all the downloads available I did notice, under aviation, the "Pilotcast - Aviation for Pilots by Pilots". Yeah, it caught my attention.

Needless to say I decided to upgrade from my bulky cassette player that I listen to audio books while driving to various facilities for work. The company car only has an am/fm radio, company radio and an aircraft radio. I went on to Ebay and found a Nano third generation, 8GB for $125 with three minutes left. I bid $130 and won the bid at $127. Talk about catching up to technology. I thought I was "with it" when I bought the DVD player.....Hmmmm, do they still say "with it"? Heck, I still have my album's boxed up along with all the cassette's. No, I do not have any 8-track tapes, they were discarded many years ago.


  1. Uh-oh, you've officially gone digital. 8-) Are you sure you still don't have you're 8-tracks? ;-)

  2. We (8-tracks and me) parted ways only because I have no way to play them. ;)
