Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day of Flying

Over NJ, above the layer, enjoying the sun
Hey!! Whats that big shiny thing in the sky?  Well, I guess that would be the SUN!

That's right, Mother Nature decided to provide us with a teaser of what Spring is really all about. I was up early and out the door having made plans to meet the contractor in Cape May. I grabbed the iPhone and filed from bed, gotta love electronics, and then proceeded to take the dogs out. I'm not sure what the Terminal Area Forecast (TAF)was talking about, there was no mist and no low ceiling.  I could only figure it was so used to reporting the poor conditions all the previous week, it felt the warning was required.
All kidding aside it was gorgeous out. I took care of the critters and hit the shower. I was excited to fly, even if it was just for the  reason of going to work. The flight plan was simple and the typical for this hop. ILG-OOD-WWD, the route is as common as going to the corner store, or so it seems to be. Pre-flight flowed smoothly and I was soon plugging in the flight plan and letting the oil warm at a low idle. Maybe I should save this trip in the Garmin 530 memory instead of going through this routine every trip?
Looking south/south east over the Delaware Bay

I picked up my clearance and was directed to taxi for departure to runway niner. 08Romeo was climbing out with a quick change to the plan by Philly departure.  08Romeo climb 3000, upon 2000 direct Cape May/Wildwood. I acknowledged and was actually giddy that I pretty much got direct before leaving the airport environment. I was handed off to Atlantic City and rode along enjoying the cloud cover below, thinking I may get to shoot an approach today.
As I crossed Millville, covered by clouds, I could see across the bay and soon realized that Cape May was indeed clear as the AWOS was telling me. Atlantic City did ask what approach I would like and I requested vectors for the Localizer 19. An ILS of sorts, but with no glide slope for vertical guidance. AC Approach gave me a few turns and I soon intercepted the localizer. I did not cancel so I had some extra eyes as I split my time on the needles and checking for VFR traffic, it took away from a rock solid approach. AC gave me the cancel in the air or call a number so I cancelled and announced my position on unicom.

I was early and had time to have some breakfast at the flight deck which I really enjoyed.  I ordered the crispy french toast but hadn't read the whole description.  Out came this monster plate with banana's, walnuts and carmel along with the toast covered in corn flakes. Strange but a very good breakfast that Pat, our Op's specialist, referenced to cruise ship food....yep that about hit it on the head.

I finished up in time to meet the work crew and got the new stationing for the core tests squared away. The work for today consisted of drilling eight cores for testing, material testing of the previous day's hot mix placement. I didn't stick around to long since I really wanted to make the annual Wings Fly-B-Q at KLOM.

More great electronics at my disposal as I enter my flight plan with foreflight on the iPad. I know a portion of the route KWWD-SIE-OOD and tap on the connection to research any previous plans.  The remainder of the plan was MXE-KLOM.
I taxied out and called Atlantic city on the clearance delivery frequency of 121.7 for my info. I copied my flight path and repeated it back, received my not off void times then announced on unicom my departure. I made a last call on unicom to state my intentions for potential area traffic then contacted AC departure. I reported direct Sea Isle (SIE) and altitude.  We road along together for a few then I was directed to turn to 360 degrees intercept V166.  Sort of like merging on the interstate but less traffic. My review last week with Mike paid off and with a button push on the Garmin 530 and turn of the CDI I was tracking along nicely to the Woodstown (OOD) VOR.
Over NJ, about to cross the Delaware

Philly downtown, over the nose
After my hand off to Philly I was given my last climb, now working on getting to 4000. Philly gave me a new heading cutting off the remainder of my current leg and the next two, now pointing me direct KLOM and the chance to fly over downtown Philadelphia. Flying over Philly would be a first for me, we always seem to get routed around. Par for the course, a chance for some great photos and I only have my iPhone, meh, better then no pictures I guess.
A great look at KPHL and the mothball fleet off my left wing and a great view of center city off the nose. Sorry the prop shows in the iPhone pictures. Off my right wing I am looking up river and catch a glimpse of the mighty USS New Jersey. Philly hands me off to the next sector as I clear the city and I am directed to descend to 2000 and advised of the cluster of towers to my 10 o'clock, can't miss them.  I have the field in sight and cancel with Philly, now starting to let down for Wings.
The plan was to enter a left base for two four but traffic was active on runway six. I joined the pattern and made it a crosswind entry for six, see I can play nice. I botched a good approach and set 08Romeo down very soft, so soft I didn't feel her rolling and pulled the yoke back a bit more thinking I was still holding it off.  Duh! I was now pulling a wheelie and when I realized and set the nose down it went thump thump...full power going around.  Landing number three, er um, one, was smooth and soft, my face was bright red.  More on the Fly-B-Q and a lost comm radio on the flight home in my next post.


  1. Always good to read your adventures. Even the small ones.

  2. gr8 trip... iPhone pix came out pretty good. Next time need a video camera so we can see the "wheelie" ;-)

  3. Awsome photos. I have to get my instrument ticket. Good read as usual, thanks Gary.


  4. Gary, I have a question about flying into Ocean City and/or Cape May. Can you send me your email address? My is on my blog, Cloud9. Thanks! Craig

  5. TJ:I really need to get the video camera back in action, maybe on our next vacation flight. See the wheelie....edit my friend edit.

    Charlie: When are we going to catch up? Thanks for checking in!

    Craig: email sent

    Adam: GREAT FLY B Q !!!!!

  6. Gary - We will definitely catch up before the end of June. Every time I see John and Susan at Archmere your name generally comes up. Charlie
