Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2012 in Review

It's time for my annual year in review and a look forward to my new goals for 2013. I know I have a few weeks left to hit my 100 hour mark but the next few weekends are busy so I only see a few hours added to my 93.6 total.

With Mary's health issues it was a slow travel year for us. Thankfully she is making progress and that's the most important issue we both deal with.

We'll place the motor home in Ocean City, MD once again in 2013 and we'll take advantage of 08Romeo to beat the ground pounding traffic snarls. I plan on more extended weekends to spend more time with my Bride as we work our way towards her regaining her health. We are looking forward to a better year in 2013!

2012 in Review


States: Georgia
Aircraft: Diamond DA40
Fun Flights: Beach runs just about every weekend during the summer! We also made our one big trip of the year to BAC Fest 2012, Gulf Shores, AL.
Notes: 08Romeo flew just over 3800 miles.

2013 Goals

Hours: At least 100 and I hope to pass a total time of 800 hours
Airports: My typical, as many as possible! Finally land on grass.
States: Again, as many as possible!
Flights: Looking forward to BAC Fest 2013 in Virginia Beach  and as many beach flights as possible this summer. Time to head west and fill in a few states. Mackinac Island is on our list for the annual get-away.
Aircraft Upgrades:  Correct my traffic alert issues with a new transponder. Maybe finally get the WAAS upgrade to my Garmin 530.


  1. Mackinac Island is a great goal...I think you'll love it. I'm sure you've seen my previous two posts about landing there (July 2009 and Aug 2012), which might help set some expectations of what the place is like,

    Re: landing in grass...perhaps consider visiting the Golden Age Air Museum at Grimes Airfield, Bethel, PA. Very nicely maintained grass runway with a really cool museum full of airworthy aircraft, most of them pre-WWII. Some unique and/or rare stuff that I've nit seen in other museums, too. That's probably not too far of a run for you. They have a website you can check out.

    I'm with you on the hours. I have 98 right now and don't know if I will have opportunity to get more time in. This will be my first year with sub-100 hours since the year before I bought my airplane (2003). :-(

  2. Chris,

    Went back and took a few notes on both of your Mackinac Island posts, great write up's and info.

    I'm looking for the perfect grass strip, I'll have to check out Grimes and the museum.

    I'm taking off Friday in hopes of adding some time and adventure to the log book!

  3. Great recap!

    (I've intentionally left all my favorite blogs unread until we got thru the holidays/remodeling!)

    Mackinac is a goal of mine as well. We almost landed there in '09 but had to press on to Escanaba to beat incoming weather that day. Make sure to post if/when you plan to go - maybe we can make a weekend out of it and say hello!

    Interesting to note how different our usual missions are, too. 96.5 hours and 94 landings vs. 40.8 and 84.

    Here's to a safe and successful 2013 in the air for you!

  4. Steve,

    Thanks! Yes, strange twist on our totals, good catch. I'll let you know about Mackinac in advance, would be great to catch up.

    Remodeling? What's the updates?

    Happy Holidays and a safe flying new year!

  5. Ok, I think my first reply never appeared for some reason. If it did/does, feel free to delete this!

    As for the house, we re-did the guest bath. Gina wanted to paint it green, which ultimately led to a new vanity, sink, granite top, toilet, hardware, mirror, light... yeah, you can blame me for all that. But it looks great!

    (Check my FB for photos if you're curious - they're in the 'House' album)

    I've already made a bit of progress on my '13 landings, too. Knocked out 8 in 0.7 today in the Cub on skis!
