Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bo Knows....

I wish I knew Bo's.  My search continues through every plane rag out there and all word of mouth references.  Honestly, the word of mouth references have really provided some nice aircraft. I swapped emails with an owner and looked through pictures of his aircraft, it has everything I want and a bit more. This aircraft has a few issues that need to be worked out but depending on the price it's on my list.

I also hooked up with a contractor today, in Cape May, that knows of a Bo at another local airport that may be for sale.  We swapped info and he will investigate and get back to me. I still have one I found online, a V Tail that keeps calling my name, that's NEVER a good thing.

08Romeo has had a few calls and an email or two from interested folks. I will finally get the logs scanned tomorrow and add those to the blog along with BAC, Beech Talk, AOPA, POA and the Purple Board for pilots. I will work on getting my ad on Trade A Plane, Barnstormers and Controller.  My lovely Bride did ask if we sell 08Romeo and have no new plane what will we do..... I guess drive to/from the beach.  Blech....

Getting up on the soap box for a few...I tossed this thought around in my head while driving to Cape May this morning.  How is it we find our soul mate so close to where we live, usually in the same state, from the same schools, yet the airplane match always seems to be so far away. I don't know, just some food for thought. Maybe I should play more music and sing along with the hits and think less. The search for a plane continues.


  1. Hmm. I found mt Bo at the next airport over, but I had to travel to another continent to find my soul mate.

  2. There is always the exception! :)
