Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ziva's Back Flying

We headed to the beach to try and take advantage of the weekend sun and see if Ziva would remember the airplane. Her ride to the airport provided the sad puppy look, I think she thought she was headed to the kennel.  Once at New Garden she took in the smells of the local mushroom farms as I tugged 08Romeo out of the hangar.  Ziva wasn't impressed but she didn't shy away. Mary took Ziva for a walk while I completed my preflight and loaded the baggage.
Ziva,  just a pup!

Ziva did climb aboard and found her spot to settle in for the short taxi to the pumps. I added twenty gallons to bring me to forty total, this would cover for the round trip.
Ziva, 1 yr old.
Once the run  up was completed we taxied out to runway two-four and departed to the south. It was a bumpy ride until we found smooth air at three thousand five hundred. Both Mary and Ziva settled in, each getting a nap along the way. I made my calls from ten out and entered a long final for runway one-four into KOXB. Ziva had no problems climbing out on the wing walk area and jumping down. I know, no big deal right? Well she is not one to walk on different surfaces or try something new, it takes her some time to adjust. With everything transferred to the Cabrio we headed to the motor home. Ziva sure does fill the back seat, she's a lot of dog!