Wednesday, June 04, 2014

N/A Load em' up, move em' out!

I haven't flown since May 2nd!

We loaded up the 17' U Haul and moved into our beach home in Ocean City Maryland with anything the stager decided needed to go from our Wilmington home. I will finally get back in the air this weekend. Flying will sure beat driving the 2.5 hours in U-Haul truck or any other ground pounding vehicle!


  1. Me thinks you have too much stuff if you are moving the non-essential things in a 17' truck!!

  2. :) We moved any furniture the stager didn't want us to have in the house and all art work except for a picture in each room. This house now looks like we just moved in....empty and cold, no signs of us.

  3. Methinks you live in the East, if you think 2.5 hours of driving is a long time!

  4. D.B., I don't like driving on I95 to work each morning! :)
