Thursday, December 17, 2015

Nav Light Lens Upgrade

There is not much to do around the house this morning but wrap a few gifts for my Bride, this can wait.  With the rainy weather it wouldn't be fun on the driving range or playing a round of golf so off to the airport I go.  I thought I would take Ziva with me so we could find something to get into, hopefully not trouble.
I photo bombed Ziva Diva!
I received a package from Aircraft spruce yesterday afternoon that contained my new clear lens for the nav lights and a new LED white bulb for the rear marker light. I loaded up the princess and headed out. It's only a few miles and Ziva does enjoy looking out the window and watching the rear wiper...such a simple life she has.
Once Ziva ran around turfing up the grass adjacent to the hangar taxiway, she decided it was finally time to join me in the hangar. I held the door open and she jumped over the step then sat and looked for a treat, so spoiled.  I gave her some water, she has a gallon in the fridge, and set her up with a moving blanket to get settled.
The lens switch was easy peasy. Loosen three screws on the nav light, pop out the green/red lens and insert the new clear lens. Don't tighten anything until you make sure the nav lens gasket is not stuck on the original lens, rolls eyes, don't ask how I know. With red and green completed I moved to the back of the plane. Two screws and the rear fixture is carefully removed. The existing clear lens was stuck in place, I mean really stuck. I tried to turn it, pull it, and rock it back and forth with no success. Without having a spare lens I didn't want to take a chance forcing the lens off. So, the new rear LED lamp will have to wait.

Ziva got a few treats and we cleaned up the hangar then loaded up for home. I hope to get some flight time in this weekend. I should be out shooting approaches today in this crap weather but I just don't feel like dragging out the plane. The continuous struggle to keep current and proficient.

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