Wednesday, December 28, 2016

VIRB Set Up, 08Romeo

Just a quick post to note the VIRB set up in 08Romeo. I think this spot will be perfect. Its small enough to be mounted overhead and in line with the headrests.  This gives plenty of room for two people to move around and keep clear of the camera.
I may also set up a mount on the dash or utilize my ram mounts and attach to the windscreen itself.
For now this seems to be the best for the out of sight out of mind.  It will be easy to turn on and off, as if reaching for the older Piper trim handle, overhead.


  1. I have a question about sundowners. 2055851002 Randall

  2. Randall,

    You can private message me on Pilots of America, AOPA or the purple board for pilots. You can also email me direct at the address listed on the top right of the page.
