Saturday, September 30, 2017

N/A Consulting Opportunity

I received a call from the company I did some work for in 2016, on a project located in Delaware. The phase II work is scheduled to get underway and the client requested me for the project management, I guess I did something right. There has been a slight shuffle in the schedule and along with a canopy there will be a passenger building added to this phase, previously scheduled for phase III.  Immediately following this work, two additional buildings will get underway, a bus garage and a drivers building along with fuel islands. I'm thinking I'll have work from October through the end of next year.

The canopy with helical piles shown below the surface
A random example of a helical pile (Photo from Certified Structure and Foundation, Inc.)

While the work will limit my weekly fly time it will provide extra play money for travel. The plans to purchase a motorhome to reposition in Florida are on hold since I'll be working this winter. I'll take some vacation time for our trip to Waco and as Mary and I discussed last night, we might take a few more days in Destin, Sanibel Island or the Keys before coming home.
So, its time to dust off the work gear and get my Ranger pick-up cleaned up and ready to go. I'm excited to dive back into construction plans and a new project. More reporting and I'm sure some overhead shots of progress will make it to the blog.


  1. You definitely made a great impression with your work. Doesn't that make you feel proud. I loved the feeling of a job well done. Need to work in that flight time though. Very important.

  2. It's always a good feeling to be asked back by a client. We had a two hour meeting to pass along plans and discuss schedules, it should be fun.

    I'll need to dedicate the weekend mornings for flight time and maybe a few get-awayswhen we can. Flying keeps me sane....and I'm sure Mary would confirm, also easier to live with ;)
