Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Aircraft Thoughts

With my recovery in full ON mode and making good progress, my thoughts are turning to the sky.  I'm not sure if and when I will fly again, but I have to admit I'm getting the itch.

Mary and I understand that traveling by air on our own schedule was very special. The thought of not having that mode of transportation at our disposal saddens us both. I have been surfing the web pages with aircraft for sale, working through what if scenarios and trying to figure out what would work for us IF we want to fly again. 

Mary has peeked over my shoulder while I was looking at a few Bonanzas and Deb's online and she commented on the nice paint and interiors. Her one common theme for each aircraft was, "where's the second door". I think me being stuck with the leg injury and needing assistance to exit the Deb has her wanting an easier way out for me. If I had a door on my side I could have pulled myself through it and drag the right leg with me. Instead I fought to move the leg and tried to crawl across the seats to get out. Thankfully I had help getting out and rolling me away from the plane.

With the two door theme firmly implanted I have put together a list of aircraft to look into.  Of course it has to be a low wing so that would keep the list short. This is what I have come up with; Cirrus, Beech Sierra, Rockwell Commander 114.  I gave some thought to Diamonds and Grumman Tigers, but ruled them both out.
Taking a look at the Cirrus SR20 I find the price range for a 2000 anywhere from 114 to 145. Most need a chute repack in 2020 and some were pretty much timed out for engine.
The Beech Sierra is what I would feel most comfortable in. A Sundowner with retract, a large huge baggage door and 200 HP. The prices are all over the place but affordable. Most need the avionics($$$)updated and landing gear donuts ($5G). No telling what damage the dreaded black duct has left as far as corrosion on the wing spar.
The last aircraft I have been looking at is the Rockwell Commander 114A. Most of the aircraft I have checked out online have good paint and interior and most seem to have a good avionics package. Engine times vary but is reflected in pricing. Two doors and a huge cabin are a plus. 
For now I just look.  We are in the process of settling out with insurance on the Deb's Hull value and hope to have that done soon.  I've put off closing while we waited for the engine teardown, the insurance company was great to deal with.  We'll see if I say that when I need insurance on the next go round...yikes!
Mary and I wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Be safe, treasure your family time and make memories.


  1. My feelings are torn as I read this. I'm overjoyed that both you and Mary are exploring the idea of flying again. But there's a part of me that this also scares. I am not a very brave person and I worry constantly. But I'm pretty sure the overjoyed part of me is winning and so looking forward to your new adventures.

  2. I'd be looking at 182RG (David White - remember that impressive young man - really hates the 210, Dick Collins notwithstanding).

  3. Jim and Sandie,

    We are at the same place, wanting to move forward but just taking baby steps. Mary and I want to continue to travel and flying commercial stinks and driving....well driving is out for me. As Mary told our friends the scariest thing about flying was driving to the airport.

    I hope to catch up on all my blog reading after the holidays. You and Jim left the mid-atlantic just on time to leave the cold behind. We wish you a Merry Christmas, be safe, make memories.

  4. ザイツェヴ,

    We are not fans of a high wing. Maybe something to consider, but not at this time. David, yes, he's flying in Alaska. Last I read he was flying a Pilates PC12. That young man has skills!
