Monday, January 07, 2019

Initial Findings

I am still waiting for the NTSB "final report" to be released on our accident back in June.  The investigation of the aircraft produced the following brief narrative along with pictures.
This is all the info I have to date, sorry, no video yet, my Garmin VIRB is still being held hostage.

 I'm looking forward to getting my video camera returned and viewing the flight from the safety of my office chair. I've run the incident over and over in my head, but seeing the actual footage will help fill in the numbers.

In the last few weeks I have talked with the local aviation school, Ocean Aviation, and my friend and owner, Mike, has agreed to get me back up in the air when I'm ready. We both laughed, the first private, instrument rated pilot wanting a discovery flight.  Making progress, one step at a time.


  1. Wow. The question for me is whether there was possibly any way you could have known what was happening in #3? Did the Deb have an engine analyzer?

  2. No analyzer but I did have an EGT monitor that could be manually switched between cylinders. Like the previous owner I ran ROP, temps always looked excellent.
