Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Vlog Update 4/2/2019

Another quick Vlog update, this episode is about our trip to Morgantown, West Virginia.

Tuesday  4.2.19

Mary and I were up and out of the house by 4:30 am.  Yikes! it was chilly and very dark.  We had the rental SUV packed and ready to go and had dropped of Ziva for boarding on Monday afternoon.
This was and overnight trip. The owner of 3 Tango Charlie offered to meet us in Morgantown (KMGW) instead of us driving out to Cincinnati Ohio.  5.5 hours vs 9.5, big time savings and wear and tear on the body. 

Traffic wasn't too bad and we made good time. Bill sent us a text letting us know he was soon to be wheels up which would give us almost an hour before having to be at the airport.  We headed straight to the Marriott on the waterfront and got checked in.
No time was wasted as we turned and burned for the airport, it was only 10 minutes away. Of course the GPS took us through town and I have to say they were THE worst roads ever! People of Morgantown, let DOT or the city know, bombard them with complaints. You could loose a small car or a child in those pot holes.

Mary and I met Bill at the FBO in the terminal. Once he had shut down we walked out to introduce ourselves and we all ended up climbing in the plane to get out of the wind. I think we spent a good hour talking about the systems, maintenance and 3Tango Charlie's history. Together we decided on staying at the terminal for lunch at Ali Baba's.  The food and service was very good.
Back out to the ramp to once again board 3 Tango Charlie for a short intro flight. My quick takeaways...The aircraft handled excellent, had snappy controls and responsive manual trim. The three blade prop and soundproofing made for a fairly quiet ride when I removed an ear cup on the headset. The interior was comfy and roomy.

The Systems

I have made myself familiar with the Garmin GNS 480 with the available online sim. I like the GPS, and look forward to flying with it.  ADSB "OUT" is supplied by the Garmin GTX 330ES transponder. I plan to purchase the ForeFlight Sentry ADSB unit for the "IN".
The auto pilot is a Stec 60-2and will have a learning curve, I love to hand fly. The aircraft also has an Aspen 1000 PFD, that will be another learning curve but thanks to youtube I can get familiar with the operation.
Overall a very nice plane that has been cared for like I took care of my Sundowner. I am looking forward to an annual/prebuy once the owner returns from his vacation sometime later this month. Now to find a CFI to fly with for the transition training and secure insurance.


  1. Chris,

    Thanks! It feels good to finally move forward to the next step in the process. I hope to have it all completed in the next few weeks. Now to find that elusive Commander CFI. ;)
