Saturday, July 20, 2019

New Blog Look

With the recent plane purchase I decided to also freshen up the blog page with a new color combination.  I haven't went full update, I'm not sure if I can get used to some of the new formats offered. While I like reading through the new format on other blogs, I'm just not ready to retrain myself where to find my gadgets that are in plain view and easy access.

I'm not one for change, but, I know eventually I will do the full update to attract readers and keep things current.


  1. My blog looks just like it did when I set it up many years ago. I think I changed the header picture one time and then changed it back. I do not want to try to learn how to make changes. Technology is a challenge for me so i avoid what i can. Lol

  2. I think this is the second change for me. Original background was black with white type then changed to the brown background. I figured it was a fresh start all the way around so I made the change.

  3. There's just something about the underlying template that seems so familiar to me... I just can't put my finger on it...


  4. lol... I didn't even realize it until I read your comment. You know it's been said, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Obviously I liked the look....too funny.
