Monday, November 25, 2019

VLog 11/25/2019

Today I am finally taking some time to learn about animated maps.  I have been wanting to add this feature to my videos in an effort to up my game a bit.  I enjoy the total process despite it taking so much time to shoot and edit the final product I upload to YouTube.  It's all about MY enjoyment, I'm certainly not in it for money or fame....I have to laugh just thinking about that aspect. 

My videos are to show my flights, the good bad and ugly of it all. I use the videos for a training tool, a review of what I say and do and how to improve my flying and operations. 

Here is today's first attempt at animating the flight path.  Thanks to Daniel Batal's Youtube Channel for excellent step by step tutorials on many subjects for Wondershare Filmora. I also use Movavi for my editing.


  1. You need an antique looking map and a little DC-3 avatar plodding along it to really get that Indiana Jones feel. :-)

  2. Chris,

    Once I have the animation beat into my brain I'll move forward with animating a plane across the map. I'm still trying to get the flight path to work right to left. ;)

  3. And the Indiana Jones music. You NEED the Indiana Jones music! :-)
