Monday, January 30, 2023

Oil Change Prep


I was lazy this past Saturday and just pushed 3 Tango Charlie back in the hangar following my flight. I should have set up to drain the oil like I had planed. So this morning I headed over to the hangar and set up to drain the oil. It's going to need a day or two to drain so I'll head back to finish up later this week. I did manage to find a filter without much searching, unlike many other pilots posting about no filters. The Champion filter was $57 and the shipping $25. Yep, I typed that correctly $25, what a rip.

I hope to video the oil change and I'll show an example of the log book entry I use to document the work.


  1. It's very odd to me that this is still a problem. Seeing that I was low on filters in December, I ordered a case of 6 Tempest filters from Aircraft Spruce expecting that it would take months to receive them. I ordered in mid-December and the box arrived in mid-January. Not bad. It wasn't cheap ($25 for shipping also, but only $30/filter), but at least I'll be able to keep up on my oil changes for the rest of the year and then some. Maybe the extras can work as currency around the airport, like cigarettes in prison.

  2. "work as currency"....for the win! On a few of the flying forums I think it may already be in motion. ;) This aviation filter issue reminds me of the great toilet paper shortage through the pandemic. The world has gone mad....
