Saturday, December 14, 2024

Shed the Rust

I decided to get in the air today since it was clear and view unlimited (CAVU). The original plan was to catch up with friend and fellow pilot Charles G. Charles flew into Ocean City last night and I thought I would try and catch up for breakfast this morning. We swapped text messages and he was in a meeting then had to fly back to New Garden N57 for another meeting. I figured I would go shoot an approach or two and then return home for breakfast since my bride was hosting a Women's Club of Ocean Pines luncheon. I call it the "Hen" party, a term of endearment. 
The pre-heats were turned on at 4am thanks to my SwitcheOn and 3 Tango Charlie was toasty by 8:30.  After hooking up the cameras I got the fan turning and taxied for runway three-two. While on the ground I set up my first approach into Delaware Coastal, the RNAV GPS 4. Once in the air I pointed for the Initial Approach Fix (IAF)ZARVI. The first approach was all autopilot, very smooth and on the numbers. This first go was a low approach only followed by a climb out and turn for home.
I did cross paths with Charles as he passed overhead. We switched to another frequency and briefly chatted then he continued north and I set up for the RNAV GPS 14 approach into Ocean City.
This is where proficiency or lack there of reared its ugly head. I could not remember the steps to reprogram the new destination but managed to button push until the light finally came on. Duh, Direct and then Destination will ask for the new airport identifier and then one can select an approach. Rust stinks!

Fortunately it all came back and I made the necessary selections and was soon set up for the approach. This round I flew the approach by hand and felt very comfortable. I coordinated with another plane departing OC and then made a longer then typical landing, arriving a bit faster then normal.

I quickly cleaned up and tucked 3 Tango Charlie in the Hangar, also plugging in the pre-heats for her next mission. I then headed home to a fantastic breakfast. Mary had made quiche and the other ladies brought fresh fruit, hash browns, deviled eggs, salad and banana nut bread. Yes, I made a plate, hid in the office, and started this video edit. 

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