Thursday, June 13, 2024

Annual 2024, The rest of the Story

I headed north this morning with the help of fellow BAC member Anita and her Sierra to get me to New Garden and 3 Tango Charlie. 

Anita and I swapped text messages and she would pick me up at 7am here at the house and then head to Salisbury Airport to preflight and launch for N57. In an effort to ease climbing in and out of her and Dave's Jeep she offered to take her other SUV. I got a good laugh and made a follow up post on facebook that read as follows. You know your getting old when friends offer to drive their other SUV so you don't have to climb into their Jeep. Of course my friends had a good laugh and once I told Anita she also laughed. It reminded me of the saying you know you're old when you fall down and friends run to help you when they used to just laugh. Sigh...getting old ain't for sissies. 

The flight north was good with clear skies and a smooth ride. Once we taxied in the Sierra needed some fuel and then we pushed her back into a parking spot. Anita got the shop tour, from avionics to paint and the working shop itself. I helped tug 3 Tango Charlie out for a run up and leak test then waited on the paper work to be completed. 

I was ready to go and taxied for my run up. The run up was perfect, good power, hardly any drop between mags. I made my call and launched for home. I gave the manifold pressure gauge another look and there it sat at 13. Hmmm...that's not right. I made a pass around the airport and everything looked good except for the MP gauge. I called the shop and will return next Tuesday for them to give it a once over. 
The total Invoice was $3765.00  This included my decision to go ahead and replace the four bottom fine wire plugs this year to the tune of $579 that passed inspection but would need replacing next annual. Both of my rotors needed to be replaced due to less then minimum spec at $375. I had the brake pads also replaced for a clean start with the new rotors.  

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