Friday, June 07, 2024

Annual 2024

Day 1 Reposition

It’s that time of year, annual inspection for our Commander. I was up early and headed to the airport to sump my fuel and get in the air. I took off from runway three-two and pointed for New Garden Airport, N57. 

It was a one hour flight from start up to shut down and the ride was super smooth. It was very relaxing just flying along with a quiet radio and cool air blowing through the cabin. Fellow Beech Aero Club member Anita, who also was my safety pilot, flew north to pick me up and fly and me home. We had to make a quick stop for fuel at Summit KEVY since New Garden was out of fuel.  Once fueled we headed for Salisbury KSBY.

I helped hangar Anita and Dave’s Sierra then got a ride over to the Ocean City airport. Well, almost to the airport. I swapped text messages with Mary and we met for lunch, Anita declined my invitation to join us and instead went home to take Miss Daisy out. 

We finished lunch then Mary ran me over to pick up my SUV at the hangar. I climbed in and made the two and a half hour ride north, ground pounding really stinks! I made check in after three then headed to the shop to drop off log books and get in the way. 

3 Tango Charlie had just been pushed in the shop hangar a short time when I arrived. I managed to help Bruce with the compression checks as the other A&P Bill started on all the inspection panels. After the inspection panels were removed he opened up the inside of 3 Tango Charlie. Tasked with removing the seats he was baptized with the Commander right of passage. Bill struggled at first with the side carpet and console plastic making it hard to free the seat wheel bearings from the notch in the track. After showing him the removal video and giving my advice to keep the seat square in the track the pilot seat was finally free. Unfortunately there was still one more seat to remove. Bill removed the side carpet trim and positioned himself for best grab and slide contortion. The copilot seat was out in less then ten minutes start to finish. I think Bill would agree the seat removal is the hardest part of the annual inspection. 

It was a long day and I was tired, hot, sweaty, and hungry. There was a Capriottis close by and the Bobbi (turkey, stuffing, and cranberry) was calling my name. Sadly they were closed. Instead I walked across the parking lot and hit another favorite, Two Stones Pub for dinner. With a full tummy I headed to the hotel. Once showered I enjoyed an ice tea then settled in for the Phillies game. 

Day 2 Let’s dig in

Day two begins with a very detail inspection for oil leaks. The prop was dry, the dipstick showed some trace but that could be my poor skills when adding a quart. There was also a trace of residue on the oil pan but no drips. I’m satisfied with the inspection. 

Next the plugs were removed, cleaned and gapped. There was 1110 hours on the bottom plugs which are fine wire and the center electrode was pretty worn. I decided to replace the four bottom fine wire plugs with the Tempest UREM38S. Prior to reinstalling we spent time with the borescope checking each cylinder. 

Mag timing was checked and the left mag was retimed from its advanced state and the right was good to go. A five gallon bucket was positioned to receive my used oil and once the stream flowed the oil filter was next. Since it would take time to drain the filter I would return later to view its innards.

I took a break from airplane stuff and headed south to visit my sister and her husband in north Wilmington. The plan was to deliver old family 8mm movies to be saved on CD's and USB memory sticks. We are all looking forward to some good laughs. Since it was nearly lunch I picked up a large Bobbi at the Capriottis Delaware location. Never say quit. We sat and enjoyed our lunch while reading through all the ancestry work my sister has done. I finally headed back to the hotel around 5:30 a bit horsed from laughing. Good times!

Day 3 Inspection and waiting on parts

Let’s pick back up where we left off yesterday. The oil filter was cut and the screen removed, both were good. There was some carbon specs in the filter.

Filter inspection

Screen inspection
The shop started to gather stands to get 3TC off the ground for the gear work. Preliminary checks found my brake rotors to be below minimum thickness so two new were ordered. Yikes! We’re not even off the ground yet. I should note I’m adding new brake pads so it’s a fresh start, and old pads may mark the disc, the existing pads were two years old. 
Screen Location
With everything buttoned up on the oil I added eight quarts of Phillips Xc 20W50 and camguard. I’m going to start running at seven instead of six quarts for my normal operating procedure. 

Bruce is starting on the wing and elevator inspections and then will do the AD elevator borescope. For now it’s time for lunch so I’m headed to Two Fat Guys burger joint. 
When I returned to the shop we were on hold for parts and Bruce said they most likely wouldn’t get the gear swing done today. So after going back and forth and knowing I would head home early tomorrow I figured why wait around. I returned to the hotel, checked out, then motored two and a half hours home. More to follow when I pick up 3 Tango Charlie next week.  

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