I got an early start to the day and headed

I departed ILG on runway one and climbed out over the top of the VP TFR. The AWOS for Brandywine called out winds that

Next up GPS 9 into KOQN. This approach went better but missed

I dug out the plate for the VOR A into KOQN, the approach went ok. Once crossing the VOR MXE and heading outbound I cut

Missed again and back out to the MXE VOR for some work on holds. This went along without a hitch and when inbound I started the timer and flew the VOR A one more time. This time it all clicked and when I flipped up the foggles I joined the right base to final for niner. Gusty winds but planted the left wing low into the wind a flew on in. A flat landing but I'm back on the ground eager to climb out and stretch out my right hip.
My CFII thinks a few more approaches and then he is setting

I did get the chance to meet one of my readers while at Brandywine, it is really nice to know that folks enjoy reading along my sometimes dizzy ramblings. I hope the pilot I met enjoyed his run to Lancaster with the Comanche group.
The body is sore, I forgot to take advil this morning so I'm moving kind of slow. Time to get a hot shower and kick back!