Mary and I packed a bag, changed into our bathing suits and headed to the airport. The ramp was busy today, some folks taking the time to wash and wax, others taking on fuel and a few ready to taxi out. This was the most action I've seen at Wilmington since I started flying! Our ramp neighbor two up from us was just completing his pre-flight, his wife never got out of the car, she was talking on the cell phone keeping cool in the AC. We exchanged hello's and he asked, "headed to the beach?" I responded, no, heading to the pool today. His look was as confused as my answer. Mary said the look was a Kodak moment. After further thought I guess it did sound nuts.
The hop to Wings was 18 minutes actual in the air time. We taxied in and shut down, secured 08Romeo then headed through the gate to soak up some sunshine poolside. Our friend Adam Z joined us which was perfect. Mary chatted with a few people and I got to hangar fly. The forecast for Wilmington was calling for gusting winds and possible thunderstorms moving in around 5pm. My plan was to be wheels up from Wings by 4 pm. Always looking to the sky constantly re-evaluating conditions (it's what we pilot folk do) I decided it was time to saddle up, it was 3:30. The sky to the north was getting dark, the winds had picked up a bit and I did see some lightning strikes way off in the distance.
We saddled up and got underway following a pre-flight and saying goodbye to Adam. I was looking south to sunny skies but on completion of my run up and final instrument checks I noticed strikes showing up on the Garmin 496 wx off to the north. The density altitude was now around two thousand and our fuel load was about 25 gallons. I added a notch of flaps and advanced the throttle smoothly forward, we were on the go. 08Romeo climbed out and I gave Adam a wig wag of the wings to say good bye. I held my altitude under the class bravo and scooted home. We did see a heavy downpour over Pottstown moving north that covered a good sized area and blurred the cooling towers at limerick. It was strange to watch the wx around us and yet the sun was cooking as we continued into Wilmington. I set 08Romeo in soft and short making a straight in for one niner.
A fun day that added 1.1 to the log. Next flight is my lesson with Tom as I push to finally finish the instrument rating.
The hop to Wings was 18 minutes actual in the air time. We taxied in and shut down, secured 08Romeo then headed through the gate to soak up some sunshine poolside. Our friend Adam Z joined us which was perfect. Mary chatted with a few people and I got to hangar fly. The forecast for Wilmington was calling for gusting winds and possible thunderstorms moving in around 5pm. My plan was to be wheels up from Wings by 4 pm. Always looking to the sky constantly re-evaluating conditions (it's what we pilot folk do) I decided it was time to saddle up, it was 3:30. The sky to the north was getting dark, the winds had picked up a bit and I did see some lightning strikes way off in the distance.

A fun day that added 1.1 to the log. Next flight is my lesson with Tom as I push to finally finish the instrument rating.