And now for the rest of the news....
Does the saying it was the best of times , it was the worst of times ring a bell? Well in the middle of us searching online for fun activities like horseback riding and tours we received an email from our club/aircraft owner. This email was in response to us asking for the extended use of 679er even though we can with our club, but I always like to keep the owner informed. With the blessing of the owner (best of times) he informed us that he was given an offer for 679er and is considering selling our baby, but won't decide until after the annual in late November (worst of times). I have been miserable all night.
So, while trying to keep the happy face on I am faced with new issues. I am just about to start the flying portion of my IR and was looking forward to the cost savings with our club plane. The cold reality of renting also hit me like a ton of bricks and I just can't go back to $126 and hour. Needless to say the wheels have been turning. I sent an email for information about a PA28-140 and will be contacting a man about a Beech 19A Sport in New Jersey tomorrow. The Sport is ready to go IFR so that would fit my training but it would truly be a 2 passenger aircraft for Mary and I. Mary asked me to check out the Grumman for sale in Wilmington and I may just do that tomorrow also. I will ask a friend at work if he will take my 81 Corvette and park it on his driveway that gets a good bit of traffic, he sells a lot of cars.
Mary has been very supportive this evening and has even asked about starting our own club. It's an idea. This all may be for nothing if he decides not to sell, but, it's a wake up call that we need to really make a plan for our own aircraft. Time to surf the forums for aircraft pre-purchase information.
I'll be fine after I sleep on it tonight, but I just have to let it all soak in. As the famous Dr. Bruce would say...[sigh]
More to follow...