The realization of a boyhood dream... Private Pilot July 17, 2006 - Instrument Rating August 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Progress Continues
Today I decided to work the steps and have lunch in the kitchen. Up and back no problems which felt great. I'm trying to get up the guts to try the next set of steps going to the bedroom and master kingdom for a shower! We did venture out today in the SUV. With all the therapy exercises it was a snap getting in and out of the truck. It was very refreshing to see the outdoors, new buds on all the tress some with leaves popping out. Pretty colors, fresh air and a change of scenery, good for the mind.
My lovely Bride is out with the girls celebrating her friends birthday, I wish I was eating dinner with them. I hope she has fun, God knows she needs a break from me and playing nurse.
I hope to report more over the next safe and have fun!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The New Routine
I lie in bed until Mary takes care of the zoo. Then the focus is on me getting my bones out of bed and getting started. Ahhh how we take for granted the simple shower, It's sponge time for me until I am allowed to do stairs and have my eighty staples removed. Yes, eighty staples and a twenty-four inch incision. After getting cleaned up Mary gives me a back rub with lotion and changes my bandage to track any drainage. Everything is healing nicely and the staples should come out Thursday afternoon when the visiting nurse makes her stop.
Next is getting dressed with all my special tools, what strange stuff. A dressing stick, a grabber tool, extra long shoe horn (doubles as a back scratcher) and my favorite the sock donner. Dress code is long shorts and T shirt, comfortable and easy. Next up is my exercise routine that I have worked on since my hospital stay. Everything is geared to generating some quad control and building strength. Mary has to help me with two of the sets that help swing my legs in a inside/outside movement like making snow angels and while laying on my back perform a heel slide working to maximize the range of motion in my knee.
After some R&R we settle in for lunch then get back to another few rounds of exercises. I watch some TV, nap and surf the Internet to keep me occupied. If the wx is nice I get outside with my faithful walker and even get some seat time in my spiffy wheel chair. I eventually get settled in for dinner watching the news and enjoying the zoo while they interact. It sure is nice to eat Mary's cooking, I couldn't take the hospital food that I had to eat any longer. It's nice to eat dinner together as we sit and chat, watching the news and discussing my progress. It's going to be a long haul back to walking unassisted but I'm on track with a lot of support from my Bride, family and friends.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sprung From The Hospital
Fast forward to Friday, April 17th. Mary sprung me out of the hospital due to my continued threats of wheeling myself out and hitching a ride, to anywhere but physical therapy, occupational therapy or my room . I'm now home, on the mend but doubting I'll make my June goal of attending Gaston's due to the complications. I will be NO weight bearing status for eight weeks at the least so that would take me to June 9th, two days prior to my departure date.
I can't thank my Bride enough for all she did for me and all she took on to keep things running during my surgery and recovery. It's not easy keeping the four cats and two dogs on schedule let alone running back and forth to the hospital, I'm a very luck guy. Thanks to my family for all the support and logistics with the hospital breakout and Marys family for their help in a stressful time.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Self Grounding
I also had to stop taking Advil for any pain relief to remove the blood thinner factor. Instead I was given some new fangled patch to put on for twelve hour intervals. Lidoderm is the product name and it basically numbs the area where you apply the stick-on patch.
I hope to be back in the cockpit by early June, two months post hip revision. At least there are some fellow pilots I know who blog and I can fly/live through their postings and keep in contact with aviation, and get my fix. I'm going to have to work on Mary to see if she'll drive me to Kay's to meet the North East Flyers group for breakfast in two weeks.....which will roll right into my plea to attend the Wings Fly-B-Q.
I'll post again after my surgery, until then, Fly Safe!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Blowing In The Wind

Monday and Tuesday are not looking good for much of a chance to complete the VOR check on the nav/com or to get a good mock check ride knocked out. I am patiently waiting for a break in wx and for my luck to change, there has got to be some good mojo out there somewhere!
METAR KILG 041051Z 29023G36KT 10SM CLR 09/M02 A2957
TAF - Terminal Area Forecast
KILG - Wilmington, Delaware
Updated at 10:51 AM GMT on April 04, 2009 (6:51 AM EDT):
KILG 041131Z 0412/0512 28020G40KT P6SM FEW050
FM041400 28027G44KT P6SM BKN050
FM042000 28025G40KT P6SM SCT050
FM050100 29016G26KT P6SM SKC
FM050700 28012KT P6SM SKC=
Friday, April 03, 2009
GPS Safety Seminar

Wednesday, April 01, 2009
First Time Actual IMC

With option three I will be faced with a totally different plane then I have flown in a long time, but do have seventy plus hours in type from PPL days and renting. Option three it is and I meet my instructor on the ramp. It took me a while to climb in, I'm so used to the Piper roll after nearly three hundred hours. I read through the checklist and try to once again get familiar with the Cessna. I had filed our flight plan and Wilmington never got it so I refiled.
Wilmington Ground Cessna Nxxxxx at Red Eagle with Bravo, IFR clearance. I copied the following clearance. I like the mnemonic CRAFT for Clearance, Route, Altitude, Frequency and Transponder code. My version of shorthand for the Route is RWY HDG - runway heading and V HADIN is Vectors to HADIN the Outer Marker. 2000 was my initial altitude and 4000 should be expected in ten minutes. The departure frequesncy for Philly is 119.75 and 4525 was my assigned transponder code.
A - 2000 - 4000/10
F - 119.75
T - 4525
Ok all set and ready to go since we are cleared to taxi to runway one niner via kilo, mike, hold short. Run up completed and holding short for a Gulfstream now on short final. Ok throttle full power some right rudder, gauges green, airspeed alive and we are wheels up. I guess we were in IMC by one thousand feet and I could not resist but glancing outside. Get those eyes going on your scan rang out and shattered my

Philly turned me within thirty degrees of the intercept with the following clearance, Nxxxx turn right three four zero maintain 2000 until established, cleared ILS RWY 1. I slowed to 90 knots, added the approach flaps (late) and watched the glide slope slip on under me. I had waited on my outter marker beacon to sound and didn't hear a thing, I was playing catch up from that point forward. I didn't factor for my tail wind which had me hauling butt down the glide slope pulling power trying to not deflect full scale. This first go was not the best by far. I remained a "bit" high on glide but had my localizer pretty good until short final then by the time I was at decision height it looked like I was crabbing in.
Full power climbing left turn when advised by the tower then handed off to Philly for another go. The second time was better as I intercepted with a left turn to final having come from the area of KEVY, Summit. This approach terminated with us going missed and once again following directions climbing out and following vectors from Philly. I got lazy in my climb and flattened out getting the finger point and shake to remind me to get my head outta my butt and get on altitude.
This last approach seemed like it took us forever to get vectored in. Chuck told me to look up and it was nothing but clouds below as we broke out and I sucked up the view, very very cool looking. I even got to see a rainbow which made my day as I was starting to think I had some bad mojo working against me with all the radio, flight plan and tight schedule. I was back in the game as I once again briefed the approach plate. I also configured for 90 knots and really wanted to nail my glide slope, tail wind and all. Again no outter marker beacon but I was on glide as I was on the localizer. I held good speed at 90, pulling power to descend while maintaining my airspeed.
This approach was going to be my last for the day so I was looking for my DH of (580) 600' for a circle to land. I started to turn right for my circle to land before the tower cleared me and got the finger point and hold runway heading until cleared. As if the tower was in the plane they cleared us and off I went. Chuck reminded me don't bust the 600 feet or your check ride is done however I did bust the 1.3 mile CTL limit edging into about a mile and a half. My CFII notes all the fine points and really keeps me squared away. I reference the finger point and shake but it's in jest as he makes sure I have his attention with out blocking radio calls. It works for me and I'm sure I'll see that every time I stray from heading or altitude whether he's flying with me or not. You pilots understand many of you still hear you PPL instructors voice when you fly? I do!
METARS from this afternoon.....
METAR KILG 011951Z 12009KT 10SM OVC013 11/08 A3001
SPECI KILG 012047Z 14009KT 5SM RA BR OVC011 11/09 A3001
METAR KILG 012051Z 14008KT 2SM R01/5500VP6000FT +RA BR OVC011 11/09 A3001