Saturday, December 13, 2014

Coastal Viewing

Saturday the ladies wanted to shop in Americas Coolest Small Town, Berlin Maryland. I wasn't on board with that and Ted decided to also pass. Instead the men took to the sky. Ted last flew with me when we were still flying the club Archer back in August 2007.
I ordered fuel from the FBO and got 08Romeo tugged out on the ramp.  I guess we took on 20 gallons  to bring me to 40 total on board. The plan was take a leisure hop up the coast and try to locate Ted's friend Kevin and his home along the Indian River Bay.  We launched off of three-two and remained in the pattern, departing the area on the left base leg which pointed us up the coast.
We flew north over the Isle of Wight Bay crossing the Route 90 bridge and then the Assawoman Bay followed by the DE/MD state line.  From this point I followed RT26 West to RT20 and then made a right turn back to fly east along the Indian River Bay towards the inlet bridge. Once we found Kevin's house we circled at 2000 feet and then headed for home.  We followed the coastline south and made our position calls for OXB. There was a Piper turning crosswind for three-two and I scrapped my plan for a midfield crossing and instead followed the crosswind entry, now number two for the field.
Base to final was looking good, the Piper was down and clear and I stole a quick glance (right and left) up and down the coast to look for any wild ponies on the beach, there were none. Last notch of flaps set and I was settled in waiting to roll it on the runway. The sock showed the winds changing from a cross to tailwind as 08Romeo ballooned a bit then settled back for a smooth landing.

Good times flying with Ted and getting the oil pumping in 08Romeo.

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