Sunday, March 12, 2023

Breakfast Flight to N81

I swapped a few posts with Bob C on the North East Flyers Facebook group.  Bob was flying to Hammonton and his friend Matt was coming with him.  Once Bob’s Cessna 09 Lima was frost free he filed for a special TFR squawk code and launched.  I had 3 Tango Charlie already at the hold short for runway two-zero at Ocean City. 

I launched and headed for the Delaware Bay crossing and then on to Hammonton, N81.  The ride was smooth and it felt good to be in the air once again. I monitored Dover approach and once on the Jersey side I switched to Atlantic City approach.  At the ten mile out point I switched to CTAF to set the mental picture of the current area traffic.  A Bonanza landed ahead of me and then I rolled one on clearing the runway at the midway taxiway Charlie. 

The restaurant was busy and I had to get in line for seating. Waiting in line worked out as I was tracking Bob on his way in to land.  The wait was maybe fifteen minutes and it moved along quick and orderly. 

Bob had an issue with his Cessna 172 and ended up calling for a ride home. I offered my ride but I only had room for one additional passenger since I removed my back seat. I did let Bob know to call me when he needs a shuttle flight back to N81 to pick up his plane. I'm home all this week and weekend but we will be heading out on vacation next week. 

With some sort of plan made, I left Bob and Matt on the ramp walking towards the restaurant. I launched for home and made another nice landing to end my flying day. 

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