Friday, January 12, 2024

First Flight 2024 - Service

This is not exactly the way I would like to start the new year with a first flight for service. I installed my new battery a few days ago and I'm ready to have the down lock switch installed on the left main gear. Sussex Aero had an opening today so I pre-heated over night and launched for Delaware Coastal (KGED) at 8:30am. This is a short ten minute hop and I'll fly it gear down.
The winds were calm and the sky was beautiful blue as I climbed away from runway three-two at ocean city. I picked up the weather at GED and joined the downwind for runway two-two. I was number two following a Cessna but extended for a jet holding short. I try and play nice, besides it was a great day to be in the air. 
Rob, Carl, and I pushed 3 Tango Charlie in the hangar and got her up on jack stands. Rob removed the existing switch along with the actuator lever/roller. The process moved right along adding three new stab connectors to the new wires on the switch. Each of the connections were wrapped in heat shrink, and then secured in  a spiral wrap to remain clear during a gear swings. 

We finished up with three gear swings to confirm the switch settings and the green down/locked illumination. We lowered 3 Tango Charlie back to mother earth and tugged her outside onto the ramp, service complete. 

I went inside to settle up the invoice and then climbed aboard and got the fan turning for home. I was thirsty and getting hungry since I only had a half of a bagel for breakfast. The flight home was bumpy but I really enjoyed getting back in the air. Once entering the downwind for three-two I dropped the gear and watched three green lights glow. It's good to be home and have all the systems working properly. 

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