Thursday, January 30, 2025

Why I Video the Garmin 480

My first flight of 2025 had me heading west, just a short hop, to Cambridge MD - KCGE. Today I received a comment on one of my videos, and I have to say it made me feel good knowing I may have helped someone with the Legacy unit Garmin 480. I started the "How-To" 480 series as I worked through various scenarios to help me stay sharp and learn new things about the unit. Buttonology as I like to call it. Maybe this falls under why I make videos, I'm not sure. I do know it feels good to give something back to this hobby. Here is the comment that a subscriber left.

I just realized you were sitting at the table across from me at CGE on Saturday. Wish I'd realized it sooner so i could personally thank you for your GNS-480 series. Without it, my instrument rating might not have happened a few years ago. Beautiful Commander, by the way!

I'm inspired by the gentleman that posted and I look forward to working through even more scenarios on the Garmin 480. Thanks again for sharing your comment on my YouTube video. 

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