I made a quick stop for cash today at the local Wawa, no additional fee when you use their ATM. I met a nice lady, who I held the door for, that asked if I was from Wisconsin. I

Brian arrived just after I parked out front. We immediately

As Bo Boggs often says (Flights of the Mouse), "she was climbing like a homesick Angel." I climbed out to 2500 and once passing through 500 I turned north to the 360* heading. Brian kept things pretty simple with no added workload of the radio. The ILS RWY 29 Approach plate notes RADAR REQUIRED, this means you will be receiving vectors to final in order to intercept the ILS. We had reviewed the plate prior to takeoff discussing important facts for the lesson. This however was not a "briefing" of the plate since we will get into that as the lessons progress. I did note the important facts, the frequency is 108.5, the missed approach (MAP) is 910'/ 3/4, and going missed calls for a climbing left turn to 2400 direct to the modena (MXE) vor. I also noted the final approach fix (FAF) to MAP at 90 knots is timed at 3:20.
I intercept the ILS and announce localizer is alive and with gentle corrections track towards the Moses Outter Marker (OM). I verbally call left or right of course and announce glide slope is alive when I get some movement. The Outter Marker beacon sounds and I set my timer to zero and hit it again to start my clock. On course, below glide slope to intercept, speed 90, now adding first notch of flaps. Stable, 90 knots, 500 feet per minute descent, on course, on glide slope, things are looking good. Altitude is now falling through 1100' as I call out looking for 910', on course on glide, speed 90, 500 fpm descent. At just above 950 I break out and locate the runway, right of center. I add the second notch of flaps and make an ok landing a tad fast.
Brian resets and I do two more approaches with the last getting screwed up. I was lined up looking good as my altitude came through 1950 I brain farted and thought it was 950 and announced going missed. No sooner I added power I caught my mistake and continued on with the published missed.
Brian paused the sim so we could discuss options. Ok, you are going missed, which you can at any time if

We sit and talk about the lesson, the need to time the ILS and how to use my equipment as a way to double check. Brian suggested setting up nav 2 so that I would have localizer if nav 1 failed plus it provides a back up. I was correct in having nav 2 dialed in for my missed which made the work load a bit easier by just needing me to hit the flip button to start tracking. Next lesson we will work on procedures on a more in depth level, talking about when to brief and how to make use of your time flying single pilot IFR.
Next up Tuesday morning 7am!