The realization of a boyhood dream... Private Pilot July 17, 2006 - Instrument Rating August 19, 2010
Merry Christmas to all our readers and best wishes for a Happy New Year ! To all of you that share our passion for flight we hope you enjoy the adventures that 2008 will offer.
Fly Safe!
Gary & Mary
A MUST READ for all pilots.....
Thanks to: Zach at "Behind The Yoke"
Our flying/ fly-in vacation will be to Gaston's White River Resort in Arkansas this June to attend the Pilots Of America event. This should be fun, 830 miles and 7.5 hours of flight time.
We are always looking for new places to visit and interesting things to do. Please feel free to leave a comment with any great stops you have been to or have on your short list of "must see" places.
The morning of the flight I will once again review the flight plan, update and factor in the weather for my flight to include winds aloft, wind relative to my flight path, winds effect on fuel burn and wx at our destination. I make a call to Flight Services for a final live wx brief and file a flight plan.Mary and I usually have our bags packed the night before so it's a quick load and go to our breakfast stop. Once at the airport we follow the same routine to uncover, and load with my pre-flight uninterrupted until complete. Once on board I begin my checklists and get things set
up for our departure. When I am ready to start I make a final call to Flight Service and open the flight plan, then fire up and get taxi Clearance to depart.
That's pretty much what goes into the planning and departure for our get-away flights. I hope you enjoyed a quick glimpse into the "what goes on".
As a fellow pilot and keeper of a flight journal put it, "Trepidation over planning a trip to a new airport? Understandable. Concern over flying into an uncontrolled field? Understandable. But is it a justification for not going? No more so than planning a dinner at a new eatery on the far side of town. Like eating any pizza, you have to do it one bite at a time." Another great quote from Flights of the Mouse.
The courtesy car. Some FBO's have a courtesy car available for pilots or flight crews to use for a short period of time. As an example, I planned to fly into Bristol, CT to watch the Little League Baseball Mid-Atlantic playoffs. I inquired about a courtesy car and Interstate Aviation, Inc., at 4B8 Robertson Field had one. I asked about going to the ball fields to watch a single 6 inning game. I guesstimated about 2 hours or so and the man on the other end of the phone said no problem. So, that would have made the day by saving on car rental and pick up followed by drop off. The car is usually first come first serve and one should always top off the tank or at the very least put back what was in it. A word of caution, plan on driving something along the lines of your first hand-me-down car. Don't expect leather interiors, seat heaters, or a looks like it's wet paint job. Hey, it's free and it runs!
METAR KILG 041151Z 27012KT 10SM FEW060 00/M11 A2972
METAR KILG 041251Z 27018G23KT 10SM CLR 00/M10 A2973
We lost a "brother" today from the GA population at ILG. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the pilot, along with a thank you to all my co-workers and fire/rescue that responded to the scene.
News Article NTSB Report (Preliminary)
METAR KILG 231751Z 31018G22KT 10SM CLR 06/M08 A3018
ME: Wilmington tower, Archer 28679er, 14 south west, inbound for full stop, with foxtrot, 2,100 level.
TOWER: Cherokee 679er enter left downwind three two advise abeam the numbers.
ME: Abeam the numbers three two, for 679er
As I enter the downwind I am cleared to land and acknowledge. Wind check is 340* 18G24 low level wind shear reported. Greaaaaat just what I want to hear. Winds are 20* off the nose so that's no problem, some extra throttle work and it should be fun. I turn base and final and crab to the numbers for three two. I kick out a bit early and get blown left of the center line a tad but still in very good shape, stall horn moan followed by the mains giving me a slight chirp. Smooth if I must say so myself. The tower is busy this morning as I roll out on three two. Tower advises left turn Fox3 but then asks my final destination. I reply Red Eagle and he directs me to continue 32 right turn runway 9, left turn Kilo 5. I acknowledge Niner right left Kilo 5 for 679er. I taxi in and shut down then secure. 679er looks great with the fresh wax, I can't wait to get back in the air Sunday morning!
Does the saying it was the best of times , it was the worst of times ring a bell? Well in the middle of us searching online for fun activities like horseback riding and tours we received an email from our club/aircraft owner. This email was in response to us asking for the extended use of 679er even though we can with our club, but I always like to keep the owner informed. With the blessing of the owner (best of times) he informed us that he was given an offer for 679er and is considering selling our baby, but won't decide until after the annual in late November (worst of times). I have been miserable all night.
So, while trying to keep the happy face on I am faced with new issues. I am just about to start the flying portion of my IR and was looking forward to the cost savings with our club plane. The cold reality of renting also hit me like a ton of bricks and I just can't go back to $126 and hour. Needless to say the wheels have been turning. I sent an email for information about a PA28-140 and will be contacting a man about a Beech 19A Sport in New Jersey tomorrow. The Sport is ready to go IFR so that would fit my training but it would truly be a 2 passenger aircraft for Mary and I. Mary asked me to check out the Grumman for sale in Wilmington and I may just do that tomorrow also. I will ask a friend at work if he will take my 81 Corvette and park it on his driveway that gets a good bit of traffic, he sells a lot of cars.
Mary has been very supportive this evening and has even asked about starting our own club. It's an idea. This all may be for nothing if he decides not to sell, but, it's a wake up call that we need to really make a plan for our own aircraft. Time to surf the forums for aircraft pre-purchase information.
I'll be fine after I sleep on it tonight, but I just have to let it all soak in. As the famous Dr. Bruce would say...[sigh]
More to follow...
Donegal Springs Airpark (N71)
Elevation: 458 MSL
Traffic Pattern: All Aircraft: 1258 MSL;
Runways: (10-28) 3250X50; asphalt; PCL; tree ea end
Penn Valley (SEG)
Elevation: 450 MSL
Traffic Pattern Light Aircraft 1500 MSL
Runways: (17-35) 3800X75; asphalt; PCL; trees ry 17; tower ry 35
Bloomsburg Municipal (N13)
Elevation: 481 MSL
Traffic Pattern: All Aircraft: 1410 MSL;
Runways: (8-26) 2800X50; asphalt; LIRL (NSTD); road ry 8; trees ry 26
Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley (WBW)
Elevation: 545 MSL
Traffic Pattern: All Aircraft: 1546 MSL;
Runways: (7-25) 3376X75; asphalt; PCL; trees ea end (9-27) 2200X100; asphalt; ; trees ry 10 (9-27) 2200X100; turf; ; trees ry 10.
Total flight time non-stop to KWBW is 1.5 hours and along the flight plan pictured about 165 miles. I hope to make a day of it with the above mentioned airports for stops.
Mary has started to work week-ends with her new job and so I will ask a friend or two along for the ride. This might be a nice trip for the two project pilot students I am lucky enough to mentor. It should be fun! I hope to post a video when completed.
I contacted (KSBY) Salisbury Tower and reported a 3 mile right base for runway two three. A nice landing and roll out to the taxiway and on to parking at the GA Terminal. The Lineman marshalled us in to parking and
Mary's cousin was standing right there with him. He had brought her out in the van to meet us as we taxied in. I made arrangement to top off the fuel and then joined the ladies for the ride to the house.
Maureen and Dan have a gorgeous home. A new pool this year and everything landscaped as if we were walking into a better homes and gardens picture shoot, very nice indeed. It was great to chat and catch up. Maureen made crab cakes that were out of this world so we enjoyed a
light lunch along with a salad of spring garden mix that had dried cran raisins, feta cheese and candied pecans (to die for). I had to pass on desert (full tummy) but had a taste of Mary's coconut cake that she had. Heck lunch alone was worth that trip, Phillips has nothing on Maureen and Dan's crab cakes!
We loaded up their SUV and headed to the Wicomico Autumn Wine Fest. There was a good crowd for a Sunday but the temps and sunny weather sure helped. We strolled in and staked our place in the shade for the picnic blanket, chairs and cooler. The
ladies quickly headed out, wine glass in hand, while us men held the fort with our designated driver wrist bands securely in place. The wine tasting was unlimited so the ladies had fun, making a return to sit and chat as if to recharge.
Maureen and Dan's friends were very nice and I got to talk about aviation, which is always fun. One gentleman asked about the presidential TFR and how I made out going through it. Hmmmm...let me get this straight, a non-pilot understands about TFR but yet some pilots do not 'get it'. I digress, Yes, I acknowledged the TFR but said that particular one had ended yesterday, I then explained the why and why nots, how pilots check the status and what goes into a 'flight plan'.