Shoobie (shoe-bee) - Fast trains to the Jersey shore, along with a one-dollar round-trip fare,created the "day tripper," and the "Dollar Excursion" unquestionably gave the shore its wide popularity. Throughout the 1900's and up until World War I, working men had freedom to play only on Sundays. That day, week in and week out, found swaying Jersey shore-bound coaches teeming with Philadelphia families, laden with their "shoe box lunches." Naturally not all of the communities viewed the "Shoe Box Lunch Set" with favor. Keepers of the swank hotels figured anyone who couldn't come for at least a week should stay home and get rested for his job.
Well, there was no box lunch involved but
we did manage a stop at the Flight Line at KMIV, Millville NJ. Mary had to work today so John and I headed out around 10 to preflight 679er. The original plan was to fly to W29 Bay Bridge, MD (pictured left) with a stop at 33N Delaware Airpark. The wx was calling for clear skys but moderate turbulence below 10,000. I really didn't feel like landing at Bay Bridge in windy conditions on 2900 x 60. I honestly would like to go there with Mary first and explore some of the great places for a nice dinner. As soon as she gets back to weekends off we will make the short hop to Bay Bridge.
I had talked to Jeff (from 33N, Delaware Jeff) and he said he and the family were also going to
pass on W29 but that he wanted to get some left seat time in. As I have said in the past, it's the need to satisfy that flying fix all pilots get when not in the left seat for more then a few days. I understand the need for the fix, it's been three weeks for me. John and I saddle up for Millville and Jeff (from 1N4, New Jersey Jeff) and I trade text messages planning to meet up for breakfast at Millville. I cleaned out the baggage area to allow for more weight since the tanks were full and I had planned on taking a second passenger on at Millville. I have the Weight & Balance calculations set up on excel so it's a snap to run many sceenario's in a short time. 679er with full tanks and 410 lbs in the front (me and John) yeah, I'm the fat butt at 250 and John checks in at 160 and Joe my second passenger, I was guessing is around 230-250. This combination left me 22 lbs under my limit and within the Center of Gravity range at 90.3.METAR KILG 021551Z 29014KT 10SM CLR 06/M02 A3025
I made my call for for clearence to taxi, "Wilmington Ground, Archer 28679er at Red Eagle ready to taxi for departure VFR South East with Information Oscar". As usual I was cleared to taxi to runway two seven at taxiway 'M'ike. I completed the run up as a jet landed and was cleared to back taxi on the runway, I hate that! I'm burning fuel waiting when he could have turned off and taxied to the other side of the field. Anyway, as he taxi's by I am cleared for take of on two seven and off we go. Gusting winds add a bit of rock the boat but we are climbing out and approved to turn on course. As we exit the Class 'D'elta
airspace we get a traffic alert from the Tower and confirm a Cessna at our 1 o' clock and approval to change frequency. I dial in Millville and get a handle on the traffic as I visulaize it in my head. John and I spot a few aircraft on the short hop and position for a 45* entry to runway two eight. Millville radio got me today with ALL the info, I forgot when I made my call to add "I have all the info", it's the only way for them to shut up,, I mean keep quiet. It makes no difference if you call Millville Traffic or not they give you the full debriefing and tie up the radio. We finally enter the left downwind and announce our position adding if Millville radio was quiet we could all hear our call. I don't think it helped. I was number three to land behind a Cessna and a Beech King Air doing T&G's. Not a bad landing but not my best.METAR KMIV 021554Z AUTO 27011G18KT 10SM CLR 06/M01 A3024
I taxied in and meet up with Jeff (NJ) and his friend Wayne and caught up with Joe from work. We all headed over to the Flight Line and ordered some eats. I had the SOS or Creamed Chipped Beef, some did lunch others followed suit with breakfast. Jeff (DE)
and his always cute as a button co-pilot Hannah walked in shortly after we placed orders. The place was packed, but the service was good and the food too. We squared away the bill and headed out to look at Wayne's Mooney, Jeff's (DE) Cherokee and Jeff's(NJ) Mooney. Are you confused yet? We chatted for a bit then decided to head out. John, Joe and myself were heading to Cape May, Jeff and Hannah were headinmg back across the Delaware Bay to Delaware Airpark and Wayne and Jeff were heading back to Woodbine. We decided to catch up with them at Woodbine after making a photo run on the Cape May Ferry and Airport.
Up and away departing Millville on the downwind
for two eight we set our sights on KWWD. I ease 679er along taking advantage of the tailwind hitting ground speeds of 137 kts (156 mph). Hey it's no mooney but my gal is doing fine. We pass over Cape May mid-field at 2500 then slowly descend to 1500 as we make a pass at the Ferry. I hear a traffic call out coming from the direction we are headed from a
citation at 2000 and quickly get a visual and hold now at about 1200. He passes by and eventually enters the pattern for two eight. We make a photo run then turn back in to set up for the 3 mile 45* for runway two eight at Cape May. The Citation calls out his turn from base to final as I am on the down wind and I acknowledge I have the traffic. The Citation passes by our 9 O'clock and I
start my turn to base. We all watch the traffic clear at the far end of the runway by Big Sky (FBO) . The Citation announces clear and I call short final setting 679er down a bit long but fairly smooth.
John digs out the info for 1N4, Woodbine and I jot it down on my knee board. Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) noted along with Traffic pattern altitude and runway info has us ready to taxi for departure. We follow a Cherokee to runway one and pull up number two to take off. I notice 679er takes a bit longer to get in the air as I note the wind sock dancing. I make a mental note that it
will be one notch of flaps from Woodbine and a short field power up to roll. Time to pay attention to flying our short hop. As soon as we are in the air you can see the clearing for 1N4. I position for a 45* entry for three one and make my calls as we "cross the fence" to an ok landing. I needed alot of throttle work with the gusty wind. I can see Jeff and Wayne
at the hangar so we taxi in and shut down for a visit.
I guess we hang out for a half hour or so then saddle up for another hop back to Millville. I followed my previous mental note and had a notch of flaps in as I pushed the throttle forward. I released the toe brakes and 679er was takin' the bit and running. 679er jumped off the ground in short order and I cleaned her up once clear of the trees and showing a steady positive climb. As they say, she done good.
Millville was a very short hop and I decided since the radio was quiet I would make a straight in for two eight. One aircraft had taken off and I heard one taxing to two eight. When I announced my position I add 'with information', HA, Millville radio was speechless except for the wind check they gave me. I give myself a B- on the landing and taxi in to drop off Joe. I had a first today letting a
passenger out while the fan was turning. I gave complete instructions even though Joe is very familiar with aircraft to exit and remain behind the wing, he complied. John climbed from the back and switched to the right seat for the ride home. Door secured, we taxied back out to runway two eight.
The place was quiet, it almost felt strange not hearing the non-stop traffic or millville radio. Ok, maybe not millville radio. 679er was off and running again as we made for home, KILG. I called the tower at 15 miles south east, inbound for full stop with information Sierra. I was directed to enter left base for two seven and call final. As John and I crossed the Delaware we had a traffic call out on the west side of the river (Delaware) just at the bridge. Ooooooookidokie, thats where we are, or at least within a half mile. I am just under pattern altitude 900' as I turn final and the traffic passes out in front I guess about 2000'. No biggie, I call out the traffic and proceed in. Not a bad landing at home with a quick exit at taxiway 'M'ike. 679er secured for the night and all covered up. John and I head out and we both agree, it was a fun day.
I added 2.3 to the log but really had a great time talking with friends and just getting back in the air. Great to see everyone again! Looking forward to catching up again soon with Jeff's, Wayne, and John.
Flight video is posted, check out the video links on the right side of the page.