Our typical beach trip with some weather that needed attention, that would about sum up this post. I filed for my typical route,one that I seem to get better altitudes with. DQO ENO EZIZI was my plan but that rapidly changed when I called for my clearance. I know, I should just file what they want to give me but at least I have to try. Maybe next week I'll just file direct and be a real lazy butt. I was cleared OXB, runway heading ENO SBY Direct.
I had a headwind to contend with and my Garmin 496 was painting a storm cell over KGED as I was just south of Dover, Delaware. My typical in flight checks has me run "WIRE" weather, instruments, radios and everything else for arrival. Destination wx looked good with some gusty winds. The wx bugaboo was a large cell over GED and I noticed it didn't move after my checks. I will always check the refresh times on the bottom of the screen and my 496 counted up to 30 minutes.
"The Cell" moving north east from KSBY |
Just north east of Georgetown KGED
My visual was not matching what the GPS painted. With the wind speed and direction blowing out of the south south west I knew the big ugly clouds with solid rain shafts would be moving across my path east north east. I advised Dover approach of my wx conditions and turned towards Salisbury, south west to give a wide berth to what I was looking at. I also recycled my Garmin 496 and it was now painting shades of green only as I performed my end around.
I updated my wx for OXB and figured our arrival time would be around 4:30 local or 2030 Z.
031854Z AUTO 17011KT 10SM FEW070 33/23 A3003 RMK AO2
SPECI KGED 031946Z AUTO 24009G19KT 2 1/2SM +RA SCT050 SCT075
BKN100 26/20 A3004 RMK AO2 PK WND 20027/1931 WSHFT 1929 RAB39 P0005
031954 031954Z AUTO 23007KT 4SM -RA SCT050 BKN080 BKN10026/22 A3004
031853Z AUTO 19009G16KT 10SM CLR 28/24 A3006
031953 METAR KOXB 031953Z AUTO 19007KT 150V230 10SM CLR 28/24 A3006
032053Z AUTO 20007KT 170V250 10SM CLR 28/24 A3004
Not a real pretty landing but I added power and counted number two planting as my good landing. We were at the beach!
Saturday was a lazy day. I did a few things around the motor home and we decided on taking a ride to find Float-Ors on Fenwick Island in Delaware. We made our way north on RT.113 and turned east on RT.54. Along the way we found a little corner restaurant and pulled in for some burgers. Food and service were excellent and its a short hop from our Rig with no traffic like the coastal highways.
Georgia House Restaurant |

With full tummies we continued our easterly heading. We found a grocery store we had been trying to find, Harris Teeter. We also stumbled on the destination we had planned for, Float-Ors. I think I had the car stopped but I'm not sure as Mary was out and walking to the front door. I followed suit and we enjoyed looking at all the items they carried. I'm sure we will be back, despite my best effort. With treasures in hand we pointed our little Cabrio west south west and high tailed it back to the motor home.
We did swap text messages with our friends Pam and Ted who were going to meet up this evening with us around 7pm. This would be our first visitors/guests at the new beach digs. Mary and I made a quick supply run to the local 64th street market for some wine, beer, munchies and ice. We had a great time catching up and we are looking forward to doing dinner with our friends the next time we are all down.
I was watching the wx since I got up this morning and figured we could bug out early and beat the heat along with the potential boomers. I did give some thought to one more overnight but the wx didn't look any better for Monday morning.
south west view departing KOXB |
east-south east view departing KOXB |
We loaded up and headed to the plane. I had plenty of fuel, 30 gallons, and a nice tail wind to help my time and fuel burn. I contacted Washington Clearance Delivery and picked up my clearance to ILG.
051253Z AUTO 23010KT 10SM BKN015 27/24 A3018
051250Z SPECI KOXB 051250Z AUTO 23011KT 10SM BKN015 27/24 A3018
My typical was amended before departure and I was now headed to SBY ENO Direct. I had filed for a flight to the Delaware bay and ATR VOR then following the Delaware coast up to Wilmington. It was fun climbing through the broken layer and popping out on top as we headed towards SBY. Once handed of to Patuxent I was given direct Smyrna (ENO) and off we went. A good flight with Mary asleep, Maggie snoring in the back and me sitting with my hands in my lap.
Inky doing happy feet on his girl maggie, he really misses her when we are away. |
I made an ok landing, following a jet departure and was happy to taxi into red eagle. Good to be home but the weekends are way to short!
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