Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Year in Review


By The Numbers:

Total Time     1588.2
ASEL 2023        28.7
Complex          53.0/315.2
Cross Country     7.1/996.3
IMC                .4/43.4

New Airports:

KSAVSavannah/Hilton Head International Airport. Savannah, Georgia
KISOKinston Regional Jetport at Stallings Field. Kinston, North Carolina

Flights of Note:

Our Vero Beach flight was a bust due to a gear issue just 30 minutes into our flight south. Instead we ground pounded 15 hours to start our vacation. We really enjoy the get-away to Vero. The town is very clean, quiet, and the beach is perfect. The food choices are really good too! It's always fun catching up with my brother while we are in town. 
We are looking forward to our annual flight in March, but this time by plane.

Our original plan was to head to Texas and explore Galveston. I was having some serious knee problems so the longer flight was scratched and instead we pointed for Georgia. Savannah has been on our list and we finally got to cross it off as completed. Mary and I really had a fun time exploring the city and it's history.

Recap for 2024:

I lost the opportunity to put at least 12 hours on my totals with the blown Vero Trip. The trip to Saint Simmons Island was weathered out twice. Once in September with Hurricane Helene and then in October with Hurricane Milton. This trip would have added 8 hours to the overall flight time. Last but not least we planned a get-away to St. Augustine to make up for the missed anniversary trip and now my birthday. Of course St. Augustine experienced one of the coldest weeks with highs in the low 60's and overnights at 40 degrees from 12/6 through 12/9. I missed another opportunity to add on 10 hours of fly time. So, with another no-go south we headed north to Wilmington to visit friends and family for the holidays. Did I fly, no. A multiple day stay would cost so much more with car rental so we took Marys SUV and enjoyed the very short get-away. On the flip side we had a new roof put on the house while away. $$

Baltimore FSDO Visit
One additional note to add for 2024. I was contacted by the FAA FSDO Baltimore with regard to my window tint. They say it's not portable meaning it can't be easily removed, thus it's not an approved part on a certified aircraft. This lead to a visit to the hangar and a look at my log books. The FAA grounded my plane. So in order to have my plane returned to service I had to have the material removed under the supervision of an A&P. Another choice was to have the material removed and apply for a ferry permit to fly it to my shop and have an A&P sign off. I decided to have an A&P at my hangar for the inspection. Once the product was removed the A&P provided a log entry approving the process and confirming no damage to the windows. 

The Process
Once I tugged 3 Tango Charlie out on the ramp and left her in the sun for maybe 20 minutes the product was easily removed in less then 2 minutes a side. Honestly, this flying stuff isn't as fun as it used to be. I paid the A&P for his travel time, an hour each way, and his time spent supervising the removal. The owner of the company removed the tint at no charge but I gave him gas money for his effort, a two plus hour drive each way. Fly a plane they say, it will be fun they said. Insert eyeroll!

What’s in store for 2025?
For starters we hope the weather allows more fly time for our travels. 

On tap for the upcoming year will be Vero, our annual event, so that's always on our list. We would also like to finally explore St. Simmons Island and St. Augustine. We will explore and check out HGTV's Restoring Galveston. The plan is to then head to the Dallas area to visit our friend Sandra (Flights of the Mouse)and catch up with our friends Anita and Dave along with grandbaby dog Daisy. 

Mary and I have been talking about our west coast swing. We're not getting any younger so it's time to start planning the south west tour and then explore the west coast. We want to explore California. I'm thinking from a home base in San Diego I would really like to drive the coast north. Planning stops in Los Angeles and the Reagan Library, NAPA Valley winerys, and visiting family. Santa Monica is on the list and maybe to spend a couple of nights then drive back to the plane in San Diego. It's just a plan for now, I'm not sure how long my bride will want to be away from home.

Overall this has been the lowest fly time for me since I started flying back in 2005. I sure hope it will be better times ahead or it might be time to finally ring the bell and hang up the ownership spurs. We shall see.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Sick Day & Ham Radio Things


Common CW Abbreviations

DE - From or This is
BK - Break 
R -  Received or Roger
ES - And
TU - Thank You
UR - Your, You're
RST - Readability, Signal Strength, Tone
GM - Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening
73 - Best Regards - Goodbye Good Luck
MC - Merry Christmas
HNY - Happy New Year

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Shed the Rust

I decided to get in the air today since it was clear and view unlimited (CAVU). The original plan was to catch up with friend and fellow pilot Charles G. Charles flew into Ocean City last night and I thought I would try and catch up for breakfast this morning. We swapped text messages and he was in a meeting then had to fly back to New Garden N57 for another meeting. I figured I would go shoot an approach or two and then return home for breakfast since my bride was hosting a Women's Club of Ocean Pines luncheon. I call it the "Hen" party, a term of endearment. 
The pre-heats were turned on at 4am thanks to my SwitcheOn and 3 Tango Charlie was toasty by 8:30.  After hooking up the cameras I got the fan turning and taxied for runway three-two. While on the ground I set up my first approach into Delaware Coastal, the RNAV GPS 4. Once in the air I pointed for the Initial Approach Fix (IAF)ZARVI. The first approach was all autopilot, very smooth and on the numbers. This first go was a low approach only followed by a climb out and turn for home.
I did cross paths with Charles as he passed overhead. We switched to another frequency and briefly chatted then he continued north and I set up for the RNAV GPS 14 approach into Ocean City.
This is where proficiency or lack there of reared its ugly head. I could not remember the steps to reprogram the new destination but managed to button push until the light finally came on. Duh, Direct and then Destination will ask for the new airport identifier and then one can select an approach. Rust stinks!

Fortunately it all came back and I made the necessary selections and was soon set up for the approach. This round I flew the approach by hand and felt very comfortable. I coordinated with another plane departing OC and then made a longer then typical landing, arriving a bit faster then normal.

I quickly cleaned up and tucked 3 Tango Charlie in the Hangar, also plugging in the pre-heats for her next mission. I then headed home to a fantastic breakfast. Mary had made quiche and the other ladies brought fresh fruit, hash browns, deviled eggs, salad and banana nut bread. Yes, I made a plate, hid in the office, and started this video edit. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

No Breakfast Today, Just Fuel.

The plan was to get over to the airport this morning and tug 3 Tango Charlie out of the nest for some fly time.  Oh my, the temps were just hitting 40 degrees, thankfully I turned on my pre-heats at 3 am this morning. 

I quickly set up my tail tie down camera, then climbed aboard to get the fan turning and generating some heat. Our Commander makes very good heat. Once the oil temps were good I taxied out to complete my run up and depart for the short hop to Cambridge, MD (KCGE). My flight was smooth and quiet, perfect to soak up the beautiful view and blank out everything around me. 

I let down for Cambridge and coordinated my arrival with a Cessna coming from the North. The Cessna was going to be first to land since he was closer and I advised how I would enter the pattern, number two for the field. I made a nice landing and taxied for the terminal.  I flagged down the fuel truck who was servicing the Cessna by motioning with the thumb to my mouth like I was needing a drink. What a sight that must have been.

I took on about twenty gallons and then started to walk towards the terminal to pay for the fuel and grab a quick breakfast. Another pilot walking out to his plane advised the restaurant was closed and that he used the crew car to eat at a local diner. Ok, I'll take a pass and head back home thinking I'll pick up my bride and take her out for brunch. The pilot was out of Doylestown and we chatted a good while about planes, airport restaurants, and flying in general. What a nice guy. I don't remember his name, old folks CRS, but I did find a picture of his Archer.
I did give him a card with the Our Flying Adventures YouTube channel and my info. With that we both saddled up for our respective flights home.  Hmmm, I'm missing something. I got fuel, sumpped, but forgot to go in and pay! I opened the door and climbed back out so I could go pay for my fuel. I think the man working got a good chuckle when I told him what I did. He reminded me that I'm there often enough that he figured I would call him with my info. I could have, but the light bulb came on just in time to save further embarrassment. 
I taxied out for runway three-four and after completing my run up launched for home. I was thirsty, and hungry. Being well aware of restricted space I was mindful of the R-4006 boundary and Salisbury's airspace.
The ride home was once again smooth and fairly quiet. I coordinated with one aircraft in bound for Ocean City and continued for runway one-four. The pilot said he was going to do the GPS 14 approach then after we swapped position calls a second time advised he was going to do the circle to land one-four. I was confused but I was far enough ahead of him to land and taxi off.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

New Rockwell Logos


Shout out to fellow Commander owner Rodney Crews for proving the new logos for 3 Tango Charlie.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Veterans Day


We all enjoy the freedoms our soldiers paid the price for. Let us all remember the families left behind, the lives left unfinished, the future left wanting, those bright minds, and loving hearts that answered the call.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Breakfast with the boys

Charles G included me in the text group to see who was interested in a morning flight for breakfast at Cape May, KWWD.  Most had plans or meetings, Chris (YouTube Marauder92V)and I are retired and good to go.  

The original plan was to meet at 8:30 but we pushed it back to 9:15 so we could preheat. I think we only dropped to 41 degrees here at OCMD but I think Charles said they were in the mid 30's. When I arrived at the hangar It was pretty comfortable inside so I didn't bother to preheat. I completed my preflight including a sump since I could not remember if I did it after fueling for the St. Simmons trip. I had 48 gallons on board and the sump was good on both tanks.

I tugged 3 Tango Charlie out and climbed aboard. It's been a minute as they younger folks say since I last flew. I got the fan turning then set up my video cameras, having forgot my tail tie down camera. I'm so out of practice for taking a small bag with the minimum for set up. 3 Tango Charlie purred along and built up temps as I completed my set up. The oil was now at 121 degrees so I was good for my taxi and run up. Winds were calm so I decided on runway three-two for departure. 

Tango Charlie climbed away at 800 plus feet per minute, she was ready to work. I'm sure the cool temps helped but my girl made good power and I let her run. I settled in at 4.5 to cross the Delaware Bay and ride just above the clouds. As I crossed the Delaware Bay I could see Cape May and let down through a really nice opening. According to the AWOS the winds were calm at Cape May so I set up for runway one and continued inbound. I pulled the power and had only set approach flaps but made a nice landing. 

Chris and Charles were waiting, or were they judging my landing, not sure which. It wasn't to crowded this morning and we were quickly seated. I enjoyed my Creamed Chip Beef over home fries and passed on any meats. Chris had the B52 Bomber breakfast that had pancakes and eggs, it looked good. Charles had an omelette and bacon. We enjoyed a good chat about airplanes and just spent time catching up. 

Once we sorted out the bill we headed back out to the ramp. Chris taxied out first, then me, then Charles. I climbed out to cross the Bay and flew over the layer below. 

It was a smooth ride along the shore making ground contact along the way home. I eventually let down for Ocean City and announced that I would cross midfield and enter the left down wind for three-two. I called base and final keeping an eye on a Cessna that I watched taxi to the hold short. I never heard a call and as I turned final on a very tight pattern the Cessna rolled on the runway. I was not a happy pilot but made my call going around and that I would step to the right/north. The Cessna answered that would try and get out of my way.

I then turned left/south and entered the downwind for three-two once again. After making a nice landing I taxied for the hangar. I guess I was a bit flustered but the event was good practice of my procedures. I shouldn't have let it get in my head and miss the second notch of flaps. A fun day of flying and I'm anxious to get back in the air again ASAP.