I decided to take off today and enjoy one more day of beautiful flying wx. I placed a call to Cecil Aero to see if Roger could fit me in for an oil change. No problem, the earlier the better he said, I was on my way! I headed to the airport and completed my pre-flight, loaded up my new Adlog and a few books for Jeff from 33N. Jeff was also getting his oil changed and keeping compliant with the ECI Cylinder AD that required compression checks.
It was a bumpy flight but I actually had to open my fresh air vents, the first time since leaving Texas last October to bring 08R home. I landed with a tad bit of balloon but set her down fairly smooth. I taxied off and made my way to the Cecil Aero ramp where Jeff marshaled me into park right next to his Archer II, 93Z. Jeff had the oil draining and Roger was working on the compression checks. As they finished up Roger and I took the top cowl off and he hooked up the hose to the auto drain plug. Jeff added in his oil and started up for a leak test, everything was good to go. Roger repaired a broken wire on my nav light and I also found out my NEW LED light was burned out.
While Roger and Jeff did the paper trail in the office I added seven quarts off 15W50 Aeroshell. No filter for me just a screen clean but this will change on the next service. I am going to add the oil filter add on by Teledyne Mattituck Services. I finished up and did my run up leak test with everything checking out fine. I took my new Adlog into the office and Roger made the first entry.
With both birds ready to fly and both pilots eager to take advantage of today's wx the flight planning was under way. Jeff has yet to fly my Sundowner although he was quick to rib me about the time in his Archer coming home from Texas. Yep, he's right and so the plan was hatched. We would head back to 33N, Delaware Airpark and leave his aircraft and take 08Romeo across the Delaware Bay for lunch at Millville's Flight Line Restaurant. The hop was quick and bumpy! Jeff set us up on the left base for three two and I landed. We taxied to the restaurant and parked out front next to a Cessna. We each had the pulled pork special and it was really good. I must say I do miss the sweet tea I had this past weekend, I was spoiled I guess.
We launched off of runway two eight and headed back across the bay. I was on a long final as Jeff and I swapped control for me to land. It was an ok landing left of center but we were rolling out. Jeff and I parted ways and I taxied back for my departure taking me home. I listened to the Wilmington ATIS and called in with my position and intentions. Back home after a fun day of flying and I decided I should treat Juliet to a much deserved bath. I broke out the bucket and brush, spot cleaner for the grease on the gear and a few soft cloth rags. I'm embarrassed to say she hasn't had a real scrubbing since Texas. I promise to do better now that the wx is starting to point towards spring. The next nice weekend she will get a wax and the interior will get the treatment. She sure looks purrrrrty all clean and shiny. Today's numbers; five landings at four different airports and 2.6 in the book for a total of 397.2, Five hundred is a realistic goal this year!!!